welcome, friend

There are other ways to navigate this one wild and precious Life than by the compasses we were given. There are other ways to perceive this one wild and precious Life than through the lenses we’ve been conditioned to wear.

If you’re longing to relax into your own innate ways of being, seeing, and aiming your attention through this vast sea of information in which we live, here is a warm invitation to enjoy a refuge for radical re-orientation and an organic compass for navigating uncharted waters.

Discover your unique perspective. Learn to trust your inner voice as well as its inherent belonging to a wider, shared field of Story that is made richer by your existence and sovereign meaning-making journey. By what occurs behind your eyes, in your heart and through your lived experience.

Your story is sacred here.

Welcome, Friend. I’m so glad you made it.

I’m Nicole.

I am a Relational Astrologer, which means that I practice astrology as a way to weave the thinking mind back into the body, back into the Earth, back into the Cosmos — back into relationship and rhythm. All my life, I have found myself (both literally and figuratively) playing in the intertidal zone between the Ocean and the Land, between the deep unconscious and the conscious mind. And now, in my work —

I help people who identify as highly sensitive and often find themselves swimming in the more intuitive or subtle felt senses, to more fully inhabit their unique perspective and inner authority. To trust their ability to walk on land amidst many others, while staying connected to their own inner voice.

I also help people who are more intellectually oriented to access and trust their intuition, instincts and imagination. To trust that more expansive answers and visions are on the other side of confusion and not-knowing. To trust that the void is a fertile void, not empty.

Often in spiritual circles, the thinking mind is seen as problematic because it perceives itself as separate from Nature, and then tends to tell stories and build worlds from this illusion of disconnection and dis-embeddedness. Yet, the mind is a part of our wholeness and our evolutionary journey, and it is here now to play a beautiful role in the remembrance of our multi-dimensional intelligence and a living wisdom.

Likewise, in a left-brain dominant culture, the nonrational and nonlinear are often seen as problematic because they are chaotic, unpredictable, uncontrollable, ungovernable. And yet, again, the nonrational aspects of ourselves are a “part” (the ever-present backdrop of Night) of our wholeness and our evolutionary journey, and are here now to play a beautiful role in the remembrance of our multi-dimensional intelligence and a living wisdom.

So, in my work I offer various modes of contemplation to support the mind in moving out of the driver’s seat and into the essential supporting role of experiencing curiosity, communicating, sharing awe, wonder and delight, as well as participating and sharing power with the rest of our being (intuitive, instinctual, imaginal) in the holographic dreaming of reality. Through astrology, myth, somatic self-inquiry and flower essences, you are supported in seeing the Dream that is currently constellating within your perceptual field and organizing your reality. And you can replenish and re-dream these Dreams by visiting the deep archetypal waters through the portal of your own direct experience and contemplations.

And the real beauty is that when we do steward the multi-dimensionality of our intelligence, and practice our innate powers of intention, attention/attending, and trusting what arises within that field it is easier to experience magic in the mundane.

Every day becomes an ongoing contemplation, revelation and conversation with Soul.

my Services

  • Meet Your Birth Chart

    A sweet, expansive & grounded introduction to your birth chart, oriented to folks relatively new to astrology or who have never received a reading before. Come with a few topics or questions you would like to explore!

    Radiant Self: Year Ahead Astrology

    We'll take a birds eye view of the upcoming year before you actually walk it, so that you can navigate with more attunement and foresight, as well as creativity and confidence. This reading can help you warm up to the main event curves of your year, so that when the peaks do arrive, you're more acclimated to the themes, resourced to engage them with grace and conscious participation, and ready to metabolize your life experiences into an embodied wisdom.

    There’s also the option to have an astrology reading plus a custom flower essence blend formulated specifically to support your unique constitution and well-being, helping to naturally ground, balance and integrate the wider celestial rhythms for your upcoming year.

  • Living Moons

    Approach your birth chart as a sentient ecosystem available for connection in the here-and-now, through your multi-dimensional intelligence.


    Cultivate a relationship with Time that grounds you in the creative power of your universal nature, tends to the ripening of miracles, and supports your sovereign meaning-making process. Time As Love supports a manifestation of Being, a remembrance of one’s essential nature, an embodiment of both waxing and waning consciousness.

  • 1:1 Sessions for Expecting Parents

    There are parts of you that still lie nestled in a kind of dreaming womb space, which will be pushed into existence and Life on Land alongside the birth of your child. You can prepare yourself now for being able to receive these new aspects of your nature with Love and Self-leadership. And, in so doing, you will also support yourself in becoming the best parent you can be for your child.

    1:1 Sessions for Parents & Caregivers:

    Engage with the parenting journey in a way that feels softer, more fluid, enchanted, and held within a web of relational support and council. Steward inner spaciousness and self-forgiven1:1 Sessions for Parents & Caregivers:ess. Access inner clarity while falling in love with the questions and the journey itself. Remember how to play and see the magic.

    Community Membership

    Deep support for embodying wholeness through Parenthood. Go beyond parenting dogmas, to access a living wisdom and your authentic parenting spirit.

  • FloraNova: Where celestial guidance and botanical resonance become living wisdom.

    This collaboration celebrates the confluence of our celestial expression in harmonic resonance with botanical remedies that complement our unique evolutionary development. Essential energy from the Earth’s abundant botanical world rises up to support our inner growth toward the over-lighting arc of our true nature. Come discover the inherent grace within this greater potential and expanding presence by balancing these inner gestures.

    Through this grounded alignment, authentic expression and Self-connection, your living wisdom awaits …

  • Everything is blooming most recklessly; if it were voices instead of colors, there would be an unbelievable shrieking into the heart of the night.

    Rainer Maria Rilke

  • I would love to live like a river flows, carried by the surprise of its own unfolding.

    John O'Donohue

  • But little by little // as you left their voice behind // the stars began to burn // through the sheets of clouds // and there was a new voice // which you slowly // recognized as your own

    Mary Oliver, The Journey

  • For understanding demands more than the single vision, it needs a multiplicity of viewpoints.

    Ann Shearer, Athene: Image and Energy

  • Stories matter. Many stories matter. Stories have been used to dispossess and to malign. But stories can also be used to empower, and to humanize. Stories can break the dignity of a people. But stories can also repair that broken dignity.

    Chimamanda Adichie, The Danger of the Single Story

  • pure idealism - the kind that leads to the fulfillment of one's personal vision. this idealism is an ability to stand focused amidst a world of ideas that may be swirling about.

    Ted Andrews, The Magical Name