
Where celestial guidance and botanical resonance become living wisdom

This collaboration celebrates the confluence of our celestial expression in harmonic resonance with botanical remedies that complement our unique evolutionary development. Essential energy from the Earth’s abundant botanical world rises up to support our inner growth toward the over-lighting arc of our true nature. Come discover the inherent grace within this greater potential and expanding presence by balancing these inner gestures.

Through this grounded alignment, authentic expression and Self-connection, your living wisdom awaits …

Your Relational Astrologer and Flower Essence Practitioner are here to witness, guide and resource you on your journey.

Maggie McProud, Flower Essence Practitoner

Maggie McProud is an organic farmer, educator, Flower Essence Practitioner, CranioSacral Therapist, and the creator and steward of FloraHaven.

Her lifelong passion for the inherent beauty and consciousness expressed by the natural world has inspired the opportunity to celebrate and support that of others with equal reverence. She is deeply committed to restoring inner sovereignty and resilience by partnering with natural systems and resources that generate wellbeing and evolution from within. With presence, compassion, and her refined awareness, she honors the process of integral alignment and greater coherence unique to each individual and their own essential nature.

Her dedication to the process of assisting others to bring all aspects of themselves into positive resonance with their Authentic Self and inner purpose is guided by sincerity, joy and inclusion. The principles of integrity and intentionality guide her practice and therapeutic processes to cultivate the conditions of wellbeing for those interested in their own wellness, potentiality and evolutionary development.

She is certified by the Flower Essence Society and Delta Gardens.

Nicole Feola, Astrologer

Hi, and welcome! I’m Nicole. While you can find more about me and my background here, I can also share a little more personally about myself, my own astrology, and how it has shaped my work.

I was born during an Eclipse Season along the Taurus-Scorpio axis.  My birth followed shortly after a total lunar eclipse, a celestial event where the body of the Earth obstructs the Sun’s light from reaching and being reflected by the Moon.  

As typically a moment of opening up and blossoming, of maximum exposure and visibility, manifestation and fulfillment, a Full Moon that’s eclipsed can teach us about the emotional patterns held in the body, which occlude the full realization of one’s creative essence and being able to perceive evidence of this spirit reflected back to us in the world around. It can take a great wave of energy to bring these patterns and experiences into conscious awareness, and Eclipse time offers this. When we approach our protective mechanisms with respect and curiosity, we have a chance to see how those patterns are protecting the most vulnerable aspects of our nature. Relating to these patterns without any agenda other than connection, can help us re-member our wholeness, re-member the parts that feel invisible, forgotten, unlovable, monstrous … and that carry the keys to our freedom and creativity.

Being born within days of a lunar eclipse in Scorpio imprinted the opportunity associated with this particular celestial event onto my life path. So, it’s not just a periodic event I have to make it through, but an ongoing theme and focus for me. My life has been about tending the foundations of radical self-care, creative empowerment and transformational relationship. And central to this work, has been restoring my capacity to ~play~ & ~dream~