About Nicole Feola

I am an astrologer based out of the foothills of the Sierra Nevadas, the ancestral lands of the Nisenan tribe, home to the Yuba River, Deer Creek, manzanita, madrone, oak, pine, cedar, mountain lions, bears, bobcats, banana slugs and countless more beings that shape and are shaped by the dreaming of this place.

With a Taurus Sun in the 6th House of Animal Husbandry, I have always felt myself to be an apprentice to our plant, animal and microbial kin and their wild diversity of intelligences. And with a natal Neptune-Moon conjunction in Capricorn, I’ve experienced time and again how our felt-sense, contemplative and imaginal capacities as humans can help us listen more deeply to the wisdom of our inner and outer Circle of Animals reflected by the Zodiac.

After years of working in regenerative biology, in 2017 I began working as a professional astrologer. My astrological practice has been guided and enriched by the work of experiential astrologer Jason Holley. In his group work, I’ve had the good fortune of continually experiencing a remembrance of relations, the healing intelligence of the relational field, and our own creative agency that’s empowered when we come together in a space of shared intention, willingness to play.

At around the same time, in 2019, I became a certified Conscious Parenting Coach with Dr. Shefali Tsabary. The way that I support parents is unique in that it centers a practice of living astrology as a way for us to find Life-giving contexts for understanding our experiences and stewarding a dynamic wholeness both within ourselves and our children.

Certifications, Training & Work Experience

Primary Astrology Teacher

Jason Holley (Embodied-Experiential, Relational-Psychological, Mythic-Imaginal)

Astrology Teachers

Demetra George, Chani Nicholas & Chris Brennan (Hellenistic)

Diana Rose Harper (Relational)

Mark Jones & Steven Forrest (Evolutionary Astrology)

Healing Presence, Energy Work & Embodiment

Coaching with Spirit 2 (Internal Family Systems) with Guthrie Sayen

Coaching with Spirit 1 (Internal Family Systems) with Guthrie Sayen

Coaching for Self Leadership (Internal Family Systems) with the IFS Institute

Certified Coach in the Conscious Parenting Method with Dr. Shefali Tsabary

Counseling Skills for Astrologers with Mark Jones

Craniosacral Therapy 1 & 2with Upledger Institute International

Human Design with Amy Lee and John Cole of the Human Design Collective

Flower Essences with Brooke Sullivan at The Wild Temple

Healing Trauma with Peter A. Levine, Deb Dana, Resmaa Menakem +

Relevant Work Experiences

2017 - onward, Astrologer

2013 - 2016, Intern Coordinator and Mentor, Math and Art Teacher at the Woolman Semester School, a progressive high school semester school involving Peace Studies, Global Studies, Environmental Science, Non-violent Communication and Art at the Sierra Friends Quaker Center.

2009-2012, Crew member at the Sustainability Education Center, Rancho Mastatal in Costa Rica, and at organic farms Regenerative Design Institute in Bolinas, California and Round the Bend in Dartmouth, Massachusetts. Muralist on the design crew of music festivals.

2007-2008, Cell Biologist at BioStar West.

2007 B.S. in Biology at Harvey Mudd College