
Astrology tracks celestial movements with earthly events and experiences. It is a study of Time and cycles. It’s an invitation to meet yourself inside of a larger Whole — inside a cycle, story, relationship, dream.

Astrology can help you attune to Life’s rhythms, supporting deeper self-acceptance and ease. For example, accepting when and where in life you are experiencing a Spring versus Winter, where you’re in a phase of growth and accumulation versus releasing and deepening, so that you can see and feel into how best to care for yourself in this unique moment, by leaning into the gifts and evolutionary opportunities of the time.

Astrology brings us back into our bodies and into the cyclical, seasonal consciousness that lives there. Cyclical consciousness helps us call back in the energy we have been or would lose fighting upstream in attempts to be some-one, some-where or some-time else. In this way, astrology can help create more spaciousness in our nervous systems by just allowing ourselves to be ourselves — in our own core rhythms, with what’s arising. Which then also makes us more available to recognize, receive, digest and respond to the information that is truly meant for us — out of a whole, often overwhelming, sea of information and opinions. In this way, astrology helps us embody our unique point of view, while honoring and attending our internal diversity. Our birth chart reflects a diversity of places that exist within us. We aren’t just our Sun Sign. We have the whole Zodiac within us and the places of Aries, Taurus, Gemini and so on, each have their own sentience, wisdom and ways of re-sourcing our systems.

My practice of astrology is non-pathological and supports personal transformation and co-liberation. It’s about cultivating a more friendly relationship to the places and people inside and out, so that we can live more freely, generously and response-ably.