Internal family systems

The Internal Family Systems (IFS) Model is a map and practice based on somatic awareness (inner listening to the body’s wisdom and subtle sensations) and co-regulation (safe connection with another person). It arises from two understandings: (1) that we have a “Core Self, which is already whole, healed, complete, inextinguishable, unblemished, our source of clarity, courage, curiosity, creativity, confidence, calm, compassion. And (2) that we carry within us a multiplicity of parts, each of whom carries a multi-dimensional perspective shaped by different agendas, motivations, hopes, dreams, fears, memories, challenges, gifts.

We are always expressing ourselves through our parts. It’s like the Core Self is the conductor and our parts make up the orchestra. Without our parts, we would have no sound. Without the Self, we would have no harmony. It isn’t a problem that we have parts of Self, but it can be a cause for suffering in our lives when we aren’t able to consciously both step in and out of our parts, take on and off their costumes, pick up and put down their agendas or roles. When our consciousness becomes blended, merged, fixated or identified with a single part or subset of parts, we lose access to our Core Self and its luminosity, warmth and guidance. What began as a creative act between the Self and the “part”, can lead to a falling asleep in the Dream or the agenda/perspective/single story of that part. We lose access to all the information and possibilities that are available. That’s when we feel stuck.

… But, again, this isn’t inherently good/bad/right/wrong. This process can be a natural constriction that precedes an expansion and blossoming. And IFS is a practical way to “un-blend” or de-role from a part and expand, shaking off the tyranny of the single narrative, restoring both internal coherence and diversity within our system.

SOmatic Self-Inquiry & Experiential Astrology

I want our many aspects to be able to tell their story on their terms and from their particular experience of consciousness — not just from the perspective of the dominant narrative that currently organizes us and our reality. The mindful focusing and attending of the felt-sense that’s included in IFS, is a really helpful practice for listening in this open-minded way, for tracking one’s system and for receiving essential guidance and insight as we move through astrological explorations and dream-play.

IFS also offers a clear method for practicing how we acknowledge, honor and collaborate with our inner protectors. These guardians carry their own story, insight, gifts and genius, and we practice not going anywhere without their permission and connection.

As an experiential astrologer, what I want is more space for the body’s genius to be revealed in our conversations and reflections with the Night Sky. I want to include how the body can move with precision in response to an invitation, exploration or inquiry. The body-mind can speak and move through the language of image, sensation, impulses, words, thoughts, memories that can both make perfect sense to us in relation to the topic or question at hand — while simultaneously remaining mutable and multivalent in meaning, offering a wellspring of spiritual nourishment as our lives and creative processes continue to unfold.