
  • A.A.

    “No matter the challenges that I am going through, I leave Nicole's readings feeling like I am exactly where I need to be. I leave feeling a greater sense of trust in the universe. My urges to "control" everything and to "get it right" are washed gently away in a wave of relief and faith. I am amazed time and time again by how her readings give voice, story, and meaning to the circumstances of my life that previously felt unseen, chaotic and confusing. Nicole holds a strong container in which I feel completely held, seen, and loved for who I am and the journey that I am on.”

  • M.N.

    “Nicole brings an expansive, multidimensional lens to her readings that is utterly unique and liberatory. Her practice simultaneously anchors you to the serenity of “what-is” in the present, and unfolds your imagination to the boundless possibilities and resources at your fingertips. She has a calming presence and has helped me navigate themes of grief and fear with greater courage and self-compassion. Through individual readings and our mentorship, she has imparted me with the tools to combine chart analysis with a mysticism and curiosity that puts my intuition back in the drivers seat. Regardless of where you are on your journey with astrology, working with Nicole is truly heart opening.”

  • K.G.

    Nicole's reading was a deeply resonant, healing experience. Through the birth chart conversation, Nicole was able to hold up a loving mirror allowing me to feel deeply seen and understood. I sought out her reading during a period of great change and through our conversation was able to contextualize so many of the subtle energies I had/have been working with but lacked language to express. Insights I gained through our conversation affirmed much of my intuitive knowing, helping me to continue building the invaluable gift of self-trust. I so appreciate the recording and personalized documents walking through the main points of certain natal placements and upcoming transits as a tool to work with for the year to come and beyond. Nicole is a deeply knowledgable astrologer, deep listener and soulful communicator and I am so grateful for the opportunity to have worked with her.

  • R.D.

    “Nicole is intuitive, wise, compassionate and nurturing. During our coaching sessions, she excelled in holding space for me as I navigated through feelings, behavioral patterns, conditioning and belief systems. She guided me without pushing me, she offered perspective without ever being judgmental, and she created a safe space for me to be vulnerable. Her questions were thought provoking, her positive energy and optimism infectious, her insights priceless. She made me feel seen, valued and loved, which in turn helped me uplevel my consciousness. Her superpowers are insight and intuition, which she uses wisely to usher clients into the next stage of their evolution and awakening.”

  • D.N.

    “I found renewed meaning looking back at the winding path of my 5+ decades through Nicole’s reading of my birth chart. My personal, relational, and professional choices over the years are more securely affirmed, as I now understand them through the lens of astrology, and I find myself moving forward with greater confidence and appreciation for the complexity of any single life and the universe at large.”

  • A.W.

    “Nicole is an incredibly gifted astrologer. She understands the dynamics at play in the sky with such acuity and is able to convey them with such grace and compassion. Her heart and soul are really working from a beautiful place. Every meeting with her brings revelations in my life which deepen and change as time goes on. So working with her really is the gift that keeps on giving.”

  • B.C.

    “The level of trust (in your presence) that is communicated is one of safety and spaciousness. I could feeling your intention the entire session and that truly set the tone to allow me to connect to my heart. Your ability to touch on exactly what I felt like I was questioning in my life was one of an expert. I am so grateful for the love and care you put into a reading, the reflection questions and the follow up.”

Have you worked with me before? You can share a testimonial here, and let others know what it was like for you!