Full Moon in Aquarius

On Friday, July 23rd, we have a Full Moon at 1º26’ of Aquarius. The Moon, in general, mediates larger cosmic conversations. Zipping around the sky and our birth charts monthly, she makes contact with every other planetary body, stepping down higher voltage energies that could otherwise fry the human system. She speaks through waves — at times soft and quiet, at times big and loud — crashing upon the shores of our time-bound bodies, as physical sensations and emotions fluidly shape our perceptions and co-create reality in these nonlinear ways.

In general, these lunar messages get a little (or a lot) more pronounced in her monthly opposition to the Sun, asking for care, attention, reception, release, transmutation, integration. Full Moons can also be a time when an idea or an intention flowers into the world, that was once just seed.

This week, she is unfolding a little more than usual. On and around this Full Moon, there may be a tendency for emotional ruminating, or thinking and thinking and thinking about a relationship in a way that has, in the past, distracted us from our true goals or drained our energy. But maybe now we have more awareness around it.

Such rumination can occur when something feels impossible or unfixable. It can occur when our hearts and our minds — when what we need and what we want — are in opposition (such as under a Full Moon). When someone persistently ignores our boundaries, this rumination may sound like, “Well, maybe if I just said this better … Maybe I didn’t explain myself clearly enough … Maybe I'm not seeing this right ... Maybe if I held them with more compassion …”

Self-reflection and a willingness to keep evolving our relational skills is important. It’s essential. But, dwelling upon what we could have or should have done better, without self-acceptance, self-compassion and an understanding where we are coming from, isn’t self-development — it’s beating ourselves up. And, it positions us to be more inclined to tolerate others breaking our boundaries, as a pattern.

This Full Moon is forming a trine with Vesta in Libra. To help disrupt these thoughts on loop, for this newsletter I am sharing a series of lunar transits to facilitate gathering in your energy from second-guessing or self-doubt, focusing it upon your core intention, and getting centered in your Self in relationship. To set and hold boundaries that support embodiment of self-acceptance and cultivation of inner peace.

Below, I give the days and times of specific lunar conversations with other planetary bodies and describe just a few ways it could articulate in your life. (And it's a sneak peek into what Patreon members are receiving!)

Thursday July 22nd

12:50 PM Moon in Capricorn squares Chiron in Aries.

  • The reflexive impulse to fulfill expectations, and follow scripts associated with familial or societal roles, titles, or identities may conflict with our authentic healing instincts.

  • Feelings of impatience or frustration may arise this morning, which are actually expressions of a deeper fears around about pioneering our authentic life path.

  • Echoes from punitive discipline conflicts with our readiness to accept mistakes as a part of life and being human, inextricable to expansion and fundamental creativity.

  • Breathing into our bodies, grounding, and allowing ourselves to feel what is happening directly in the middle of a pattern related to themes/belief systems around “productivity”, “efficiency”, “competence”, “work ethic”, or “sacrifice”, cultivates radical presence as the core goal and the source of our emotional security, above and beyond any external accolades.

  • Practicing boundaries evolves our capacity to heal through “imbalance” as it expresses in the style of Aries — in other words, by surrendering to our individuality in ways that might trigger fears around being judged or labeled as “selfish”.

  • Continuing to hold boundaries may feel in conflict with the part of you that wants to be seen as “being good” (i.e. “not selfish”). Holding boundaries may feel like you are going to battle with the parts of yourself that are invested in something inauthentic, but familiar.

  • What is the house placement and sign of your natal Chiron? What is arising this moment related to those themes?

3:25 PM Moon in Capricorn trines Uranus in Taurus

  • The friction of the morning’s square to Chiron eases into this afternoon’s flow with Uranus, where we feel more emotionally supported to ground in ourselves and who we truly are.

  • Our capacity to feel more lightness with holding our boundaries is supported by the revolutionary capacity to belong to the silence and stillness within (facilitated by a mindful pleasure practice, being in Nature, opening a window and attending to the five senses, creating art, getting our feet on the ground, breathwork, listening to music, looking at a list of your reasons for WHY the boundary was set and what the boundaries are saying YES to)

  • Current disruptions or uncertainty are guiding/making us go at the slow pace of Taurus, moving as if through a labyrinth, allowing us to keep meeting ourselves, bringing awareness to and embodying soul in our relationship to work and responsibilities.

Friday 23rd

9:34 AM Moon in Capricorn conjoins Pluto in Capricorn, quincunx Mars in Leo

  • Remind yourself what your most core intention is. Write it down. Keep returning to that, and allow it to re-contextualize what arises.

  • Also, remind yourself of how you tend to seek external proof that you are worthy, when you are feeling unseen. Remind yourself of the ways you tend to look for evidence that some plan is working, when you are feeling insecure. This is so that you can more readily recognize when that pattern is coming before your core intention, in reaction to intense emotions.

  • Take long breaths in, hold it for a moment and allow long exhales.

7:36 PM Moon in Aquarius opposes Sun in Leo

  • What pattern is being illuminated?

  • What part of your wholeness feels hard to hold?

  • What inner (mental, emotional, energetic) and outer (physical) boundaries allow you to be more joyfully and spontaneously you? To deepen those neural grooves of spontaneous self-expression? To strengthen the channel for sharing what is on your heart and your Genius?

  • What aspect of your Future Self is flowering?

Saturday 24th

**9:34 AM Mercury in Cancer trines Neptune in Pisces**

11:24 AM Moon in Aquarius conjoins Saturn in Aquarius

  • Feelings may come up related to alone-ness, loneliness, abandonment, rejection.

  • Feelings may come up related to what we have been conditioned to believe is our responsibility.

  • Feelings may come up related to what we are realizing is actually our true responsibility.

  • Something or some aspect of our essential Nature may be made real through how we practice presence and authenticity through ordeals of this Full Moon.

2:56 PM Moon in Aquarius sextiles Chiron in Aries

  • What soul quality (courage, discernment, acceptance, etc) have you held space to come forward, in your body, even as it felt scary, tender or vulnerable?

  • What medicine lies at the heart of that tenderness? Of that core wound?

  • Does this medicine stimulate what you are channeling into the area of your life that has Aquarius energy?

5:42 PM Moon in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus

  • This evening may bring up feelings around aspects of your individuation process that feel challenging.

  • In the process of continuing to practice authenticity and embodiment, you may confront another layer of a narrative that isn’t yours — either in an encounter with someone or something outside of you, or a voice from childhood or over-culture that has been internalized.

  • Our capacity to express what is most authentic in this here and now, is supported (again) by the revolutionary capacity to anchor in the body and belong to the silence and stillness within (opening a window and noticing the five senses, going outside, deep breathing, mindful pleasure practice, closing your eyes and turning your attention within for a certain amount of time).

  • Current disruptions or uncertainty are guiding/making us go at the slow pace of Taurus, moving as if through a labyrinth, allowing us to keep meeting ourselves, bringing awareness to and embodying soul in our friendships, community building, and future visioning, .

Sunday 25th

**1:14PM Mercury in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn**

4:13 PM Moon in Aquarius opposes Mars in Leo

  • The process of liberating ourselves from a toxic relationship or pattern may bring us into a confrontation with someone’s anger, entitlement, lack of empathy -- and, ultimately, their core insecurity. The goal here is to not take their reaction personally. But, understanding and having compassion for where they are coming from does not mean you need to be a doormat. What you can take "personally" from that situation is the task of discerning whether you are in a place and have the capacity to extend your ventral vagal state (regulated nervous system, inner peace) to hold the other while their current wave of dysregulation passes. To not speak to their fear. Or, if offering that is actually a pattern of denying your own nervous system healing that can come when you include the part of yourself that you’re afraid may be called “selfish” by setting a firm boundary, or leaving the situation.

  • It takes courage to share our truth. To share what is alive in our hearts. But also, it takes discernment. Authenticity is contextual. What is authentic to spontaneously share from your heart in one relationship, may feed an unhealthy pattern in another relationship. Awareness of our own core intention, healing journey, and capacity, and what the other person is telling us about their capacity (through not just their words, but their behaviors), is key to understanding what boundaries are necessary to hold (energetic, mental, emotional, physical) and what intention or YES these boundaries are serving.

8:55 PM Moon in Pisces conjoins Jupiter in Pisces, quincunx Sun in Leo

  • Letting go (Moon in Pisces) may feel impossible when there is an unmet need to be seen and appreciated (Sun in Leo).

  • But, the bravest and possibly most embodied thing may be to release a mental concept of how a spiritual ideal, such as empathy or compassion or forgiveness, “should” look in application.

  • What does it mean to truly see yourself? What is your essential Nature? How often do you notice that which is seeing from behind your eyes? What is that experience?

  • Again, Vesta in Libra is forming a trine to this Full Moon. So, I leave you with a passage from Demetra George's book Asteroid Goddesses: The Mythology, Psychology and Astrology of the Re-emerging Feminine:

"Transits to and from Vesta signify times when we need to retreat from the outer world to purify, replenish, and reintegrate ourselves. These withdrawals often follow times when we have depleted our resources due to excessive involvement with people or events. Perhaps this explains why many Vesta transits point to relationship separations. During these periods, the need exists to seek out aloneness in order to renew one’s virginity and rebuild the self in preparation for the next cycle of relating. Astrologically, Vesta denotes the capacity to be self-identified, whole and fertile."

May you be replenished by your true Self, your Joy, your innate Worth. Full Moon Blessings,



New Moon in Leo


New Moon in Cancer