New Moon in Pisces

Spirit as the Structure

New Moon at 1°22’ of Pisces

11:05 PM, Pacific

February 19th, 2023

As I sat under the sky of this New Moon, I was taken back to a memory of being on a run and suddenly, mid-stride, becoming aware of my bones, of my skeleton within my moving body. I gasped and nearly fell over. There was something about the profound silence, stillness, and ancientness of these bones, existing within me in the exact same moment that my feet were hitting the pavement to get this little body down the road … that felt like a deep and overflowing pleasure and wonder.

I was struck by a vision of the starry cosmos inside my bones, vast and sparkling, quiet and powerful, structuring and supporting me in motion

This moment of remembering then spider-webbed out through time, to the years that I spent growing bone marrow stem cells in lab together with astrocytes (“astro” = star; “cytes” = seeds) to stimulate brain tissue regeneration. And from there, then also remembering the hours and days that I spent praying for this regenerative power within my mom’s bones to overcome all odds, and resource her healing from a traumatic brain injury.

In these ways and more, I’ve shared a lot of time with bones, with the ways they support and protect us; connect us to everything else; their potential for regeneration; bones (& bone marrow) as a metaphysical representation of our deepest, core beliefs about ourselves and life …

.. and how these core beliefs, together with our aim of attention and intention, help tune us into and receive the precise information that’s meant for us — or, in other words, that’s most relevant to our soul’s unique journey and learning. In this way, our bones (and Saturn) become the means by which Spirit communicates with us, guiding our motion, and helping to structure our lives.

Likewise, we can have core beliefs we’ve inherited that are false, attuning us to and attracting myriad information that feels chaotic and that leads us to feeling out of sync with the Whole to which we innately belong, dis-oriented from our own rhythms and wisdom, and disenchanted with life.

For this reason and many more, I am delighted to share Welcoming Saturn into Pisces as one of our first offerings from FloraNova. With this transit, there’s energy and celestial support behind restoring the innocence of our intuitive vision and imagination; forgiving and releasing false beliefs; and renewing our relationship to our own innate organizing intelligence.

Welcoming Saturn into Pisces will help you attune to the quality of Love and positive intention inherent to this place in our own inner Sky, and to this planetary being that makes it real. We can calibrate our system to Saturn, to Saturn’s arrival in Pisces and to the area of our own personal life in which this myth is dreamed.

Limited spots & only available for a limited time!

Sign ups are open until Friday 12 pm Pacific, February 24th.


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