Full Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius

White culture is not the root problem, but a devastating imbalance and distortion rooted in a core wound that all of humanity bears, white and non-white, which is the deep forgetting of who one truly is.

The deep forgetting of one's authentic power and inner guidance. Of what it feels like to be in alignment with one's soul.

The deep forgetting of one's abundance and inalienable worth.

The deep forgetting of one's fundamental creativity. Of one's capacity to re-create the story of who you are and how the world works, and to re-generate in the image of one's Wholeness.

The deep forgetting of one's connection to Source.

Every single person is healing from this wound. And it is my work and purpose to hold space for this healing, to help dig into programming that perpetuates this forgetting, and to provide support for stabilizing in your truth and sacred vision.

The outcome of this core wound affects us differently. Not all of us systematically face an immediate lack of physical safety while moving about our world. How we co-create a fundamentally new culture that supports ALL of us in remembering who we are, absolutely has to specifically say: BLACK LIVES MATTER. Absolutely has to name, acknowledge and take into account Whiteness and its consequences. We must understand the systems that make it much easier for one group of people to remain comfortable in choosing ignorance, while another group is directly endangered by that ignorance.

If your need for physical safety is currently met, your piece of the puzzle, your responsibility to the collective healing, is to do the work of honestly moving through your own emotional reaction to the uprising in our country, not as a place to act and speak from, but as a place to re-center in your own response-ability. To see your emotions as essential information, as real and deep gifts for (a) understanding yourself in context of your family, society, and history, (b) channeling the profound capacity of Saturn in Aquarius to witness and hold space for the intergenerational and historical trauma of those who have always been required to dedicate a portion of their own sacred life force energy towards protecting their physical safety in a world that is built against them and (c) liberating your own sacred life force energy from false beliefs so it can then be harnessed towards creating more joy and peace in your life and the world. Reflect upon:

  • What is this emotion guiding me to?

  • What wound is this emotion revealing to me, which needs to be seen by me? Which needs my own love and acceptance, without asking anyone else to change first?

  • What story is this emotion connected to about myself and how the world works? Is this story true? How do I know that? What assumptions can I identify around it?

  • Who would I be if I let this story go?

And —

  • How might surrendering myself to witnessing and feeling this emotion in my body, without perpetuating my own well-worn personal narratives of what should or should not be, actually return to me a piece of my own vital energy and strength? To be more creative and loving, to be more available to JOY, and capable of making change in my life and the world?

Embodying Love and bearing Light is a rigorous internal and external Action.

It is also essential to note that I recognize a subtle yet profound difference between the emotional reaction that arises from unhealed wounds, unmet needs, unexamined stories and belief systems, and the emotional reaction that comes from being a highly sensitive person that has a different sensory processing system, whose nervous system gets flooded quickly in charged situations or conflict.

As an HSP, I have developed my own self-care tool kit to support me in continuing to get better at showing up in these situations. I look forward to sharing these through this newsletter, my website, and my practice. Because.

Being sensitive is not a reason to remain silent.

And, I understand this statement can carry some “should” energy, triggering reflexive or performative activism, or a sense of guilt around the silence that you are intentionally carrying. If it does bring this up for you, please read THIS.

At this point, I want to say that I see the flip side of white fragility as being performative activism. They are both rooted in a “But I am good!” energy, which actually stems from the core fear that “I am bad”, “I am not enough”, “I am not lovable”, “I am separate" ... and I am going to do everything possible to keep that wound from being poked or seen.

“What can I do, how can I help??” is a sacred state to be in, but can be easily manipulated and distorted by the same negative agendas that perpetuate oppression when you abandon your own shadow work and critical discernment. It perpetuates the same core wound of forgetting behind all of this.

But neither is to be ashamed of.

Our culture has been set up for both white fragility and performative activism, in this way perpetuating a deep sense of powerlessness and of being unseen. But now we are being called to co-create a new culture that is strong enough to hold this primary wound of deep forgetting and to support us all in remembering that we are more than our hurt. We are being called to come alive and remember.

This Full Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius on June 5, is square Mars in Pisces. Through facing conflict and working with confusing and conflicting streams of information, we are initiated into a higher embodiment of the Sacred Warrior archetype. We are called to refine our sword of discernment.

What do you know?

How do you know it?

How do you know if it is true? Who says it is true?

What concrete work do you need to take responsibility for doing in order to recognize and trust the resonance of Truth, not just in your mind but in your heart and body?

If what helps you come more alive and remember who you are at this point, is silence and stillness. Please do that. If what helps you come alive and remember who you are is to connect with your own grief for losing a fellow human. Do that. If what helps you come alive is to harness your resources and channel it as advised by BIPOC activists, yes do that!! But! Do not abandon your own critical discernment. Because that is another face of the core wound that is behind it all.

To summarize, if the core wound is disconnection from one's truth, inner authority, inner divinity ... from Spirit, from Soul, from Source ... please consider what true privilege is.

I believe that ---

It is a privilege and true power to be able to hear your true voice.

It is a privilege and true power to share your true voice.

Use your privilege to create a new culture and conditions that is conducive for all of us being able to hear and share our authentic voice.

This cannot happen when some of us are required to be in survival mode most/all of the time.

This cannot happen when some of us are avoiding our shadow work.

With the Eclipse landing at the heart of Venus Retrograde, it is time for shadow work. Some of the courage of Mars is meant for bearing witness to the part of US that has been trapped in suffering. To hold space for this energy. To be in the vast capacity of our heart's energy field ... and, from there, hold it.

Thank you for reading, and many Eclipse blessings.



Neutral witness


Venus Retrograde & Gemini Season