Full Moon Eclipse in Taurus

This Full Moon is a North Node Eclipse, a moment of emerging possibilities at the level of our Soul’s journey with respect to Taurus process, and our relationship to raw Life Force Energy.

Liberating the wild horses of Creativity involves simultaneously a kind of “horse-whispering”, as we settle the fight-or-flight mechanism that our vessel may have learned in response to this raw, intrinsic power.

The maternal instincts and intelligence are alive here, now, (this breath as evidence), to help us hold space for the skittishness, the tendency to bolt or charge, that may bubble up from past hurts, as we renew our relationship to feminine wisdom …. and a wilder harmony.

In one constellation myth of Taurus, we have Minos, the king of Crete, asking Poseidon (Neptune) to be sent a bull from the sea. Poseidon grants him this, under the agreement that Minos would sacrifice the bull back to Poseidon. Once acquired, however, Minos holds onto it for himself, angering Poseidon who, in response, leads Minos’ wife to fall in love with the bull. Overcome with passion, she turns to Daedalus, an Athenian inventor, who constructs a fake cow body, into which she can crawl and mate with this bull from the sea.

The outcome of the union is a half human-half bull. While other hybrid creatures in Greek mythology have animals as the lower half and the human on top, the Minotaur has the bull on top — a monster to be defended against.

Again, Daedalus comes in and invents a labyrinth or maze from which the Minotaur can’t escape. It’s buried in the basement of a castle where they wine and dine in opulence, almost able to ignore the bellowing from below.

Additionally, to keep the Minotaur quiet enough, every nine years nine Athenian youth are fed to the Minotaur.

At one point, one of the youth named Theseus, who was intended to be food fo rate Minotaur, enters the maze to kill him. Receiving help from Ariadne and the advice from Daedalus to “go straight and down” at every option. Theseus successfully penetrates the maze and kills the Minotaur.

Since Uranus first entered Taurus back in May 2018, it has been de-stabilizing these Taurus-Scorpio action templates or tendencies, and opening up new pathways for how this archetypal energy might move in the collective consciousness.

However, in relating to this myth as it has been thus told, it’s first helpful to recognize it’s coming from a moment in history that marks a transition away from Goddess cultures and a consolidation of power in the patriarchal mindset. So —

What was the Minotaur and why was it depicted as a monster in Greek mythology?

How do I feel about myself and Life when the animal is on top (as the head, perception, intelligence …) and the human is on bottom (as the body, the legs…)? And vice versa?

What is being renewed in this relationship, or this dance? What new resources are being revealed or unearthed?

How do I relate to myself and to Life through my animal instincts? My creative fire? Emotional energy? Anger? Passion?

How was this power met when I expressed it in childhood? Mollified? Dismissed? Distracted from? Squashed, snuffed, shamed?

What kind of maternal instincts are right here, and now, ready to support me in creating a safe space for the parts that feel skittish both when light is shone upon them, and around allowing their own innate light to shine and be seen?

How can I get creative with my listening to be able to hear these inner children, animals, and lunar parts of myself? (…How do I listen to babies, trees, deer, stones, rivers, dreams?…)

This is Eclipse season and it involves Uranus, an outer planet. Both of which means that this is less about “what do we DO about this” or “how do we make something happen.”

And it’s more about how can we be in relationship with what is already happening.

The emotions that arise this Eclipse season may come from the parts of ourselves that now trust us enough, as the Adult Presence or the Inner Parent, to share what has been burdening them.

These parts of us will likely be quite young, wild, and lunar.

They will highlight our relationship and reactions to the unbridled, instinctive life force energy that lives us.

As we navigate this terrain, it might be helpful to consider that —

It’s possible that there are parts of us that identify as “Grown-up”, who feel alarmed or ashamed by a young, undeveloped part of ourselves showing up on the scene. See if we can receive, connect to, and lean into curiosity about where this “Grown-up” part of ourselves is coming from. And/or, see if they are wiling to step back for a moment, so you can connect to the younger part.

It’s possible that the child-like or animal-like parts of us still feel it’s dangerous to embody their power in spontaneous celebration of Life, having learned to channel this innate Creativity into surviving, securing attachment, and quieting the “bellows” of a parental figure’s buried Minotaur. See if we can receive and lean into curiosity about where this child-like part of ourselves is coming from.

In this process, remember how Taurus energy works. 

Taurus is earthy, somatic, slow, quiet, receptive, maternal, abundant, connected to Nature.

If you come at straight at it too fast, with force, with agenda, with the intention of making it do something, the Bull’s reflex is to dig in its heels and just stop.  Will not budge. 

The key may be to allow your Taurus parts, people, plants and animals to draw you into the labyrinth.  Neptune is involved in this Eclipse by sextile, reminding us of the nutritive streaming between Pisces and Taurus.  The misty non-linearity.  The imaginative associations and webs of meaning revealed under a diffuse gaze, light-touch, and willingness to listen with humility and not-knowing. A mirroring dance of animal leading, human following; animal following, human leading ….

A labyrinth isn’t so much about ending up somewhere, as it is about the unfolding richness and multivalency of direct experience that reminds us that

this moment is, and we are, Enough.

Many Eclipse Blessings,



New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius


New Moon in Scorpio