New Moon in Scorpio

The heart and mind are aligned to shed something. A habit, belief, plan, expectation, self-concept. With Mercury in Libra forming an out of sign conjunction with Mars in Scorpio, this New Moon may involve prickly thoughts and communication about what fairness, equality, beauty, balance, relationship agreements, contracts, intimacy, sexuality, death, debt, inheritances should look like or be navigated.  To re-route any ruminating energy into something creative, consider questions along these lines:

How is this moment disrupting the ways in which I have learned to assemble myself to fit the world I was given?

Could this disruption help liberate the erotic energy that lives my body? Could what is dying, help me come more alive in service to All Life?

What healing genius might I possibly bring to the table and offer up, if I allowed this shedding to clear and strengthen my listening into the Life force energy that connects us all?

Opposing Uranus in Taurus, this New Moon in Scorpio may contribute to a private container that is regenerative, allowing a renewal of trust and intimacy with a part of yourself, after a long time hidden out of awareness, attention, and kindness.  With Uranus, this may coincide with unexpected disruptions or scattered attention in the area of life it is transiting.  And/or it may bring lightning insights or breakthroughs. 

However, this New Moon-Uranus opposition is forming a T-square to Saturn in Aquarius (continuing from themes that arose on the exact Sun-Saturn square last Saturday, Oct 30th), meaning that the Uranian flavors of this moment may feel less immediately liberating or exciting. Saturn may now confront us with a task, challenge, limiting belief, pocket of mistrust in ourselves or in the process, attachment to outcome, frustration, blockage or boundary.

Honor your slowness. The slower you take this curve, the more can be included and integrated.


What might you bring to the table if you could receive the possibilities to be slow and listen?


Full Moon Eclipse in Taurus


Full Moon in Pisces