Full Moon in Aquarius

Full Moons are always a time when emotions run high. They don’t cause our emotions, but do amplify what was already there, maybe just below the surface of our awareness.

One dynamic that is creating context for this Full Moon is a Mercury opposition to Saturn. This is a polarizing, push-pull, tense conversation between …


The Trickster/Messenger

Your capacity to:

see from many perspectives

build bridges

make connections

discover portals

hop between dimensions

travel between worlds

be shocked out of your perceptions

exchange information

be fluid

~ Mercury’s shadow ~

getting caught in thought loops

putting a story on re-play

taking shortcuts in one's thinking, according to old patterns of perceiving oneself and the world

discarding new insights because it threatens our current mental model

already knowing it all

using words to crowd out the airspace of any new insights which might cause us to question our current story of reality



The Elder/Master/Patriarch/Hermit

Your capacity to:

recognize your limits

set boundaries

respond rather than react

hold yourself accountable

be in integrity

face your fears head-on

do the work

follow through

~ Saturn’s shadow ~




“there’s no way out, no way through” kind of thinking




lack of trust

Are you noticing Saturn's shadows playing with Mercury's shadows?

If you lean into Saturn's more conscious expressions, what happens to Mercury's shadow?

If you lean into Mercury's more conscious expressions, what happens to Saturn's shadow?

With this growing self-awareness, we give each planet (or aspect of our psyche) the opportunity to receive and be uplifted by the antidotal medicine of the other. And to find center.

So, as emotions rise up on this Full Moon ...

Can you re-direct your rational mind from thought holes, and inward into self-reflection? Notice what thoughts feel draining. Notice what thoughts hold the tension of possibility.

Can you re-direct your Inner Critic into discernment around what is really aligned with your goals, and what is compelled by conditioning? Notice when you start to go into fear, doomed thinking, or judgment. Pause. What is going on in your body? What beliefs or assumptions are active? If they do not serve your authentic being and purpose, is there an opportunity now to liberate yourself from them?

Because, in addition to this opposition, we have Uranus, the Great Disrupter, forming a T-square with the Sun and Moon. Uranus wants to release the energy of this Full Moon. This may lead to an upheaval, disruption of some kind, or liberation from a stale pattern. Keep aligning with authenticity and open-mindedness. Support your body, because that's really where the rubber hits the road. Where consciousness comes into matter. Hydrate, move, rest, eat as well as you can.

Much love and Full Moon blessings,



New Moon in Leo


Cancer New Moon