New Moon in Leo

We enter this New Moon with a trine between fiery planets in fiery signs. This usually signifies a flow of passion, drive, desire, anger, impatience, impulse to take action and get going. However, right now, Saturn is also square Mars, indicating that it might feel more like we are being held in the fire, with no easy way out but to let it run its course of transformation.

When we face challenge and limitation, it's hard. And also, we have the opportunity to deepen, locate our agency and remember the power of our discernment.

Forgiving ourselves, changing our minds, humility, and detachment are all technologies that unlock our hearts and allow our Love to focus our fire.

As we evacuated our house yesterday due to a wildfire, I found myself really asking myself, on a lot of levels:

What is flexible, negotiable, or replaceable?

What is not?

What is irreplaceable?

What is an expression of Who I Truly Am?

What is an expression of my conditioning?

What is real?

If right now you are facing something that thwarts the forward motion you were envisioning, what subconscious stories about this situation have been tripped? What is your Inner Critic, Judge, or Pessimist (Saturn) telling you about yourself, the other person, the world, and the future of it all? What compensating and coping strategies are set in motion (Mars) in reaction to what the internalized Patriarch has to say about it all?

Most often, the voice of Saturn is so familiar and we are so identified with it, that there is no pause between point A (the event) and point B (our action). Even the actions that feel most compelling, convincing, and robust to our rational minds, as the only possibilities suited for this situation, are reactions to the unconscious Saturnian input of not-enoughness, scarcity and doubt. Can you use this moment to discern the objective As-Is of the situation from Saturnian overlays and extrapolations?

If we can pause and witness our thoughts, we might hear how Saturn is provoking Mars. With the “What if’s”. The “Should’s”. The “If you don’t get this right… “

Can you re-route Saturn from the scarcity-driven parent to the Conscious Parent that holds space for your Inner Child to feel what they feel, learn their lessons, come out the other side, without trying to protect or work them out of it? To be heard, loved, accepted and honored for their essence and strength in a way that maybe your coping mechanisms (Mars) haven’t actually allowed?

Your Ego (Mars) is not itself fundamentally creative because, when it’s its own boss, it only knows how to act based on past events. It’s not bad or wrong … But it’s not imaginative. You, the real You, ARE imaginative. When you claim your place as your own Inner Parent, you can call your Inner Warrior back in, thank it for its efforts, and honor its existence by re-assigning it to the most courageous effort that is worth your sacred fire.

This square conversation between Saturn and Mars is in a cardinal modality, meaning that it is initiating, catalyzing, activating. Happening at a New Moon in Leo, it is initiating new season of relating to your Inner Child.

Even if you are doing the work to re-assign your Ego/Inner Warrior to an effort that is more aligned … your Inner Child is likely still not sure about trusting you. On this New Moon in Leo, in the face of challenge or grief, what commitment can you make to your Inner Child, that you know you can keep? That can begin or continue rebuilding your trust with yourself?

The shadow of Saturn is self-doubt. Doubting your competence, your intuition, your inner knowings. This voice really gets sticky because, until we re-connect and heal this relationship, our Inner Child really doesn’t trust us. If we have been treating our Inner Child with the same judgment and criticism as our primary caregivers, there is reason for this lack of trust.

Now is the chance to make some commitment to your Inner Child that says I love you as you are. Right now. Even if I haven’t tidied up the house, cooked the dinner, made sense of my life … I can stop and see you. Play with you. You are part of the family and the Whole picture. What do you need from me right now?

Because ALSO, today Venus is sextile to Uranus, which reminds us that a discipline of joy is an essential thread of our liberation.

Even if play, pleasure, rest, or just softness don’t seem to be a fitting response to the problems Saturn is pointing out (and may continue to point out as we enter Virgo season), this message is a reminder that loving and healing your relationship with your own Inner Child can bring you to the state of mind and the state of wholeness that is capable of receiving the solutions.

If you want to dive deeper into your Mars in your chart, especially before we enter this Mars retrograde on September 9th, sign up for a special Mars reading and use the coupon code OUT-CREATE for a 20% discount <3

Much love and New Moon blessings,



Full Moon in Pisces


Full Moon in Aquarius