Full Moon in Cancer

Honor your attention as one of the most powerful avenues for Care to both come through you, and reveal itself to you.

Notice the places in your life that you attend with the deepest of care and careful-ness, with the most self-awareness and self-reflection that you can access, with intentional holding, with-nessing, slow digestion, integration, processing … 

And then also notice the places in your life that you kind of just let happen at half-attention, without as much regard. 

What forces shape the overall trends of your attention? 

What aims your focus in some directions, and away from others?

Is this in alignment with what you want?  With what your heart wants?

Sometimes Life keeps trying to turn our heads and shift our gaze in another direction, and we resist.  We think we’re supposed to be looking and focusing on this other thing, because that’s what our friends are doing, because that’s where the problem is, because of an attachment to a past self-concept and its associated worldview, because of society’s timetable of things we’re supposed to pay attention to at certain ages and thresholds, or because we’re avoiding a certain feeling …

But trying to watch other people’s movies, i.e. orienting with how they are aiming their attention, can leave us feeling really lost at sea.  It can constrict or confuse our access to the here-and-now experience of being held, on purpose andin sync with the wider rhythms of Life — rhythms that can act like the synchronized muscle contractions of peristalsis, assisting the movement of experiences and memories through our digestive tract and embodiment process.

Letting our attention leap according to just any pointing finger instead of our own inner purpose, is kind of like following a dietary regimen that somebody else says we’re supposed to eat … when they aren’t the ones living inside of our body and registering our body’s signals. Consuming information at a pace and in the amounts and forms that aren’t meant for us can leave us feeling sluggish, foggy, depressed, hungry (you can probably hear my Natal Ceres in Gemini opposition to Uranus in Sagittarius talking right now) and, overall, spiritually seasick.

Allow Mother Night to turn up the volume on the intuitive nudges that are guiding your attention to aim with a Wild inner compass that is innately interconnected with the Whole, revealing the juiciest movie for your consciousness to view and digest.

In addition to a 60-minute consult, my Year Ahead readings include a month-by-month report + self-inquiry questionsto help your attention flow in the most nourishing and Life-enhancing ways this year.

Returning Clients use discount code YearAhead100. 

Nasturtium. Helps bring life back to the parched landscape of rational intellect, through the intelligence of being. An ally for Capricorn Season and this Mercury-Mars conjunction in Sagittarius in context of this Full Moon.

Astrology that shaped the creation of this newsletter, and will be reflected in this Full Moon:

  • Mercury Rx conjoining Mars in Sagittarius (24° 22’) squaring Neptune in Pisces (25° 1-2’)

  • Full Moon in Cancer sextile Jupiter in Taurus

  • Venus in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces (25°)

  • The Sun in Capricorn reflected by the Moon in Cancer (4° 58’)

  • Chiron stationing Direct in Aries (15° 27’)

And, a peek behind-the-scenes for astro-enthusiasts, so you can get a felt-sense of how this is funneling through me:

  • Mercury-Mars conjunction and Neptune square falls within a degree of my Ascendant

  • Full Moon opposes my Natal Moon-Neptune conjunction in Capricorn

  • Chiron stations exactly on my IC


New Moon in Capricorn


New Moon in Sagittarius