New Moon in Capricorn

Saturn in Pisces stewards this New Moon, digging more channels for our stories to be replenished by the deep archetypal waters, plunging us into ways of becoming nobody so that we can access an embodied empathy for everybody, including ourselves, and helping us to build in a way that honors the many, many, many forms of Life. It’s a time of contemplating the internal and external places of marshes, swamps and bogs. To cultivate eyes that see where nutrient-rich soil emerged from Pluto in Capricorn time.

The new beginnings of this Moon have been informed by Mercury’s recent square with Neptune, which was a time of balancing a focused concentration on the target or the goal, with a relaxed gaze that allows memories, ideas, inspirations, connections, solutions to be come in from the periphery. Such squares to Neptune can feel more challenging when we don’t tend to intentionally “look at nothing” as part of our rhythms.

This Mercury-Neptune conversation coinciding with the Moon’s T-square to the nodal axis in Libra and Aries, points toward our long-term success being dependent upon utilizing both the cone-shaped cells in our eyes that help us concentrate on one detail or figure of reality at a time, and also, our rod-shaped cells that are much more light-sensitive and can take in a wider field of vision.

In times of darkness, or when we are made aware of more darkness, a reflex can be to furrow our brow and for the love of god, find a way through. However, the cells in our eyes that perceive more light in the dark, are those utilized when we soften or diffuse our gaze. Also relevant is that the former gives way to heightened linear experiences of time and the mode of the hunt or the fight, while the latter gives way to more of a spatialized experience of time and the mode of gathering and relationality.

If you want a more spatialized experience of time, sign up for a Year Ahead Reading — an offer that’s available year-round. This consult helps you foresee and feel into the main event curves of the next 12 months, so that when the peaks do arrive, they are less sudden, you're more acclimated to the issues, ready to engage with more grace and able to metabolize them into greater embodiment and a living wisdom. It can contribute to an experience of more time, because you’re allowing for warm-up and integration.


New Moon in Pisces


Full Moon in Cancer