Full Moon in Scorpio

Each step in a creative process is a portal.

What you are able to see on the other side of each small step, is different from what you were able to see before the step. 

So, how do you plan your path, when each step brings new information and new vistas?  When each step changes us? When you let your path be more alive and wild?

You make plans to orient yourself.  When you orient to a future goal, it is less about that destination and more about what you are lining up with.  It’s more about how your inner parts are orienting, constellating, patterning in relationship with all of Life around you.  And this internal organization subtly shifts how the outer world is responding and showing themselves to you.  It doesn’t mean you can control another’s response, but your orientation gives way to a certain view, maybe a widened or shifted possibility set and thus experience of their response.

In other words, a creative journey is not a linear path from A to B.  It’s a labyrinth.  The Scorpionic mode is to go straight down and in.  But, when we go that route, sometimes we aren’t as ready as we think we are to meet what we are hunting.  We aren’t as ready to actually receive the object of our desire (whether that’s a person, a job, a lost memory, etc). 

Taurus can offer a grounded container to these Scorpio parts of us, helping them to focus on our inner reality before and after each small step, celebrating who we are becoming, which begins with noticing who we are becoming – developing the eyes that CAN notice how we are changing.  

This lets us move in a way where we are not separate from the landscape of our journey. The landscape we are traveling is not inert, where we could expect the path to be predictable and linear.  The landscape we are traveling is a living breathing partner, responding to and changing with us, revealing new information and opportunities, each step along the way.  

So, with each step, you choose your goal, you aim, you see what you see, you step forward.  And you change. You are changed by what it took for you to make that choice and to take that action.  And then, you see anew.  The landscape changes. This might change (in big or small ways) your perceived destination or goal.  This might change (in big or small ways) your perception of ~ what is possible ~


Flower Essences for the Full Moon

Flower Essences to invite in and sit with today ~

For the Sun & Moon in Gene Keys 28 and 27 respectively:

Oleander:  Offers a bright sunshine at its center, within the firm boundaries of its starry cup.  Shifts our relationship to our defense mechanisms or protector parts in a way that supports our discernment of what or who is safe (and what or who is not).  Helps us have boundaries, as we come out of old shells.  Helps put us into a posture of love and trust rather than fear, thereby allowing us to perceive and move towards our true purpose and path through our dreaming consciousness and innocence. Provides a grounding presence as we face core fears (like fear of experiencing deep shame, abandonment, betrayal) that stand in the way of following our dreams. Helps us be with and metabolize emotions that felt previously unsafe and overwhelming to be with.  Soothes mental agitation, worries and replays of the past.

Periwinkle: Supports highly sensitive people who feel like they don’t fit in, to experience the generosity and flow inherent to “thinking-with” Gaia and the longer arcs of story or wider webs of consciousness that might help a contemplation, digestion of, nourishment from the past.

Remedies for the mythic template of Artemis & Orion, the immortal huntress and mortal hunter:

Cream cups:  Relief for mental tension. 

Goldstar:  Forgiveness and release of the past

Slender Rice Flower: Supports one’s ability to recognize the shared divinity in all people, and in all parts of Self.

Remedies to help unwind or unweave attachment patterns and dynamics that have constellated around a deep and old wound, and been identified with:

California poppy:  Supports strong interior alignment and heart-connection that allows one to stay with oneself through discomfort.

Milkweed: Supports healthy ego forces

Cilantro & Lovage:  Supports letting go and stepping forward with a sense of safety, confidence and joy.

Allies to support Hecate/Artemis-in-maturity (i.e. surrender, embodiment, living wisdom, night senses, and the ability to bring light to places in the psyche other planets might not be able to go):

Mugwort & Sugar Cane: Helps soften Day consciousness to receive more Night consciousness, nonlinearity, mood swings, dreaming consciousness. 

Allies for Mars in Pisces approaching Neptune – dissolve one’s identity into a bigger vision or Dream, becoming more available to the different roles Life brings you to play, aligning personal and divine will, the courage to trust, play, step forward & step back and dance in the face of radical vulnerability:

Lungwort, Lobelia & Lovage: Supports breathwork to release emotions coming up, to release heaviness in the respiratory system, a remedy for depression or hopelessness.  Brings forward courage and confidence for vulnerable self-expression, in moments of exposure, our sensitive parts being seen, shyness, shame, lack of self-worth.

Loosestrife: Remedy for overwhelm, being stunned, frozen, unable to respond or react, remedy for grief and loss. 


New Moon In Taurus


Jupiter-Uranus in Taurus