Jupiter-Uranus in Taurus

Today, Jupiter conjoined Uranus in the Sky inciting a new cycle born of radically trusting our pace, our authentic preferences and our body’s genius. To trust that each part of us has a right to exist and have habitat — and that this inner ecological diversity extends resilience and health to the greater wholes of which we are a part.

In Cosmos and Psyche, Richard Tarnas describes Jupiter as having the capacity to “make greater wholes”. The planet Uranus governs breakthroughs, disruptions, revolutions. With Jupiter merging agendas with Uranus today, I wonder what “greater wholes” or what relationships (e.g. me + another person; me + my career; or me + my creative project, etc) have been invested in, which are now being disrupted? And, in this shake up, what new “wholes” are being revealed as possible? What never-before-seen innovations might these unexpected, freshly intuited or constellated “wholes” bring forward?

I studied cell biology in college and, after years of working in a sterile laboratory, I was revived by and became obsessed with live-culture fermentation. And somewhere along that path, I found myself being really drawn to the work of Lynn Margulis, a “rebel biologist” who was known for her theory of endosymbiotic co-evolution. She argued that evolution wasn’t limited to natural selection amplifying advantageous mutations, but included evolutionary leaps that were made possible by one species penetrating and being engulfed by another, eventually offering up their individuality to a revolutionary new whole (e.g. bacteria becoming the energy-producing organelles called mitochondria in animal cells, and cyanobacteria becoming chloroplasts in plant cells).

We are always creating and sustaining “greater wholes” through our relationships.

We are, also, always in process of assisting these “greater wholes” to dissolve back into their constituent parts, making them available for new configurations, marriages, symbiotic unions, creative collaborations, evolutionary leaps in consciousness.

Jupiter rules Pisces, where Saturn currently is moving. This suggests that the creative revolution or awakening that’s associated with this Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, is drawing upon and supported by the work that Saturn is doing in Pisces.

Saturn’s most important tool is our No. Pisces’ most valuable resource is our imagination. So, with Saturn’s journey through Pisces, what are we deciding to NOT invest our imagination in anymore? What new “wholes” in material reality are showing to be possible or are sprouting up, due to the space that we have made in our imagination for it?

And, Jupiter in Taurus wants to know: how does this new whole allow us to attune to, trust and honor our authentic pace and rhythms? How does this new whole allow us to attune to, trust and honor our authentic preferences?

Astrology is alive and co-creative.

How the transits will play out, is not set in stone. They are an invitation for us humans to bring our own unique creative flair, authentic pace and preferences into collaboration with the planetary beings as part of a symbiotic relationship.

The field of Story that the Night Sky portals us into and reflects back, is already in reciprocity with us. It is parched by our automatic enactments. It is replenished by our creative re-imaginings. It is enlivened and renewed by our audacity to dream outside the box of what has been done, and give ourselves permission to bring something into the world that we have never seen before.

But, it is collaborative. It involves deep listening within and without, and a willingness to drop what our minds think “should be” in order to resonate with the planet we are connecting to.

If you feel inspired to move into a deeper, co-creative relationship with our cosmic kin as well as the botanical world, I invite you to sign up for a FloraNova reading + custom flower essence blend.

You can come to the reading with a creative vision that you’d like to partner with planetary and flower allies around. And then we can see, through attending to the Skies, the Stories and through resonance, who comes forward to support, flesh out and ground your intention.

Alternatively, if you aren’t sure what your creative intention is, we can look at the current astrology in relationship to your personal cycles and then see what creative intention comes forward and who wants to partner with you around that.

Or we can do a blend of the two.

And also .... if this all seems a little too wild and weird and out there for you at the moment, and you want to just get a more straight forward astrology reading, we can always just focus on the transits and the themes that are presenting themselves, in a way that meets you where you’re at, that is rich, supportive and grounding:

We'll take a birds eye view of the upcoming year before you actually walk it, so that you can navigate with more attunement and foresight, as well as creativity and confidence. This reading can help you warm up to the main event curves of your year, so that when the peaks do arrive, you're more acclimated to the themes, resourced to engage them with grace and conscious participation, and to metabolize your life experiences into an embodied wisdom.


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New Moon Eclipse in Aries