New Moon in Aquarius

The Sun and Moon conjoin in the sky at 4:35 AM Pacific, on January 29th, at 9°51’ of Aquarius. This New Moon is separating from an exact square to Vesta in Scorpio, applying to a trine with Jupiter in Gemini and following a conjunction between Mercury and Pluto in Aquarius.

It is a moment that reminds us of the healing power of honest wordseven when they can just be spoken to yourself about something that is happening in the moment, or to replace unhelpful words given to you in the past. Be honest with yourself.

It is a moment that reminds us of the power that can be channeled through both speech and through intentional silence, to transmit a message of Love.

It reminds us of the power of relaying stories that need to be relayed.

It reminds us of how much and how quickly essential information can find waterways to flow, with a kind of holographic integrity, through a group that has somehow constellated around a shared focus and intentionality. (This can be healing or otherwise, so be conscious of where you’re going with it, i.e. what your intentions and deeper motivations are).

What does this New Moon mean for you?

The place of Aquarius in your chart can speak to where something new is beginning, in the context of some MUCH, much longer processes of composting, transformation and alchemy. What is your truest gift to give in this area of life? What ancestral help can you ask for, in this moment, to assist with continuing to compost intergenerational pain and heal from self-limiting beliefs so that you can more fully give, grow and live into this gift? If you gave this gift, how would you feel? Would it help your community elucidate new visions and ways of ensouling our individual actions within webs of kinship?

The place of Pisces in your chart can speak to where you’re patching any leaks in your boat — noticing the places where the darts tend to be aimed at (or to be felt most deeply), a process involving various layers of healing, integration, perseverance, spirit support and, last but not least, ever-deepening self-forgiveness. What wants to be let go of and grieved? What wants to be met at deeper layers of time? What wants more shapeshifting, art, imagination and play even in the face of serious conditions?

The place of Aries in your chart can speak to what new, emergent shape(s) might be getting ready to burst through … What do you sense on its way?

And the place of Gemini in your chart can speak to where you’re being schooled in the power of words — in thought, writing and vocalization. What words need to be liberated from old meanings and reclaimed through art projects? What words or names can be returned to their raw components and be re-ignited or re-spelled into fresh dream material?

If you’re uncertain what Houses these places correspond to in your natal chart, look at the chart below to find out — as well as a reminder of what each House covers in terms of life topics.

How is the New Moon relevant to your chart? (1) See the above reflection questions for the places of Pisces, Aquarius, Aries and Gemini in your chart. And then (2) look at the chart below, to be reminded of the life topics associated with each of these places.

References for these house descriptions are many, as well as come from my own direct experience, but mainly they include the work of: Demetra George, Chani Nicholas, Diana Rose Harper (particularly appreciate their phrase of ‘foundational education’ and ‘beyond-foundational education’ in place of higher education for 3rd and 9th houses) and Kirah Tabourn.

in friendship,



Full Moon in Leo


New Moon in Capricorn