New Moon in Capricorn
Hello friends,
This New Year’s Eve comes with the renewal of the Moon’s light in Capricorn as she journeys through the depths and heights of the Sea goat’s home. I hope that this moment is an opportunity to continue growing your ability to ask for and be available to spirit help, while grounding into your own lived experience, inner authority and creative genius.
Towards that, I’m writing to you now with an invitation to book your 2025 Year Ahead reading. The purpose of this reading is to help your mind be held by a council of planetary elders and by the celestial patterns under which you were born and of this current moment, so that you can find more peace, ease and orientation.
This reading will give fresh perspective and context to the themes (challenges, invitations, opportunities, growth edges) in your life that I am sure you already feel in the works, or incoming. I don’t think I have ever met with a client who didn’t already have a good sense of what places in their lives were being energized and characterized by planetary movements — like sensing the weighty approach of a Pluto transit, or the frustrations of a Mars retrograde. But it can be really helpful to have it named and articulated, so that we can creatively partner with our deeper instincts and the cosmic energies that are coming through.
As for this New Moon — it was joined by Pholus, follows on the heels of Chiron stationing direct in Aries, occurs amidst a Mars Retrograde, precedes a Venus Retrograde in Aries and is governed by Saturn in Pisces …
All of which I hear a message emerging to stay with it, but take it easy on yourself.
Take it slow when it comes to “progressing” on the spiritual journey. It makes sense if you’re feeling some flavor of eagerness-impatience-urgency around shaking free, transcending or opening your eyes to see the way out of old gunk and conditioning, and get to a new place or vista. And also, when we get carried away by the posture of rush, it can get us into group or collective situations that aren’t as grounded and may open us up to unhelpful, draining or distracting influences and agendas.
This Capricorn season is a reminder of the value of the foundational work. For example: before engaging in a group experience or ritual that is consciousness-altering (which could be any number of things), do you have a secure attachment with your inner child? What’s your relationship with, or support system for, alchemizing the harder emotions of rage, grief, shame? What is your relationship with aloneness? And with taking up space? How are your energetic hygiene practices and relationship with boundaries?
I’m not saying it’s as linear as that, where one necessarily comes before the other. For instance, I am not saying you need to be “complete” with re-parenting your inner child before you engage in consciousness-altering or -opening practices. They assist one another. It flows in both and all directions. And our immune system does grow stronger with boundary challenges and sometimes breaks. But, when I look at the astrology of this New Moon, I see an invitation to temper our rush to get somewhere by remembering that we never fully know what we’re getting ourselves into. And just maybe the parts of ourselves that we’re frustrated with, actually carry the wisdom and the guardianship that we need to navigate the unknowns and dangers on our path. And, maybe if we did know all of what we were getting ourselves into on this path, yes we’d still move forward … but with more healthy hesitation, dropping into our feet more, feeling the bones in our feet, tending our connection to the Earth, noticing diurnal motion.
I feel this with astrology. If I knew what I was getting myself into with astrology — with consistently attending these planetary and archetypal energies — I think I would have cherished my Taurean slowness more. Or at least the appearance of slowness. Yet, at the same time, I don’t wish my path was different because I love that my Venus in Aries and Sagittarius Rising helped get things going, and helped sustain a creative empowerment and remembrance that would be unbelievable to me a mere five years ago. So, there aren’t regrets with how my own path has unfolded, but there is a noticing of and respect for the lessons that have come through these experiences. There has been a shift in posture from rushing to get somewhere fast, to a posture of applying the will and conscious choice (I’m thinking of Mars’ exaltation in Capricorn) to keep on going because there’s more of an understanding that this path brings me ever-towards my Chiron — towards vulnerability and letting go. So yeah, there’s less of a rush. And there’s more attention on what I need to take care of myself. Capricorn is a place of re-parenting, acknowledging forgotten needs and turning towards true desires.
It’s from this place of lived experience and my own lessons learned that I am offering a reminder at the precipice of 2025 to notice when your posture is leaning forward with impatience when it comes to opening yourself up to the bigger energies. And then in that moment of noticing, lean back and sink into your heart and into your feet more, if you can. Acknowledge the limits and deep instinctual intelligence of your animal body, honor your nervous system and its interconnectedness, listen to the rhythms and seasons of life. Relieve your mind of the unnecessary consumption of information that happens when we rush for a quick consummation of question and answer. Grow tolerance for the tension and space-between. Attend to the parental guardianship(s) you have in place (or need to start building) for your dream-space to be clear and healthy. Grow your guardianship as you grow your openness. Steward a shield of living stories.
Again, here is a link to book a Year Ahead reading. Give your mind the gift of more ease, orientation and story as you begin this new chapter.
New Moon Blessings,