New Moon in Taurus

Today a New Moon arrives at 21˚18’ of Taurus, 11:59 AM Pacific Time. It kicks off Eclipse season along the Gemini-Sagittarius axis (May 26th and June 10th), including an exact trine between Mercury and Saturn (May 12th), Jupiter's ingress into Pisces (May 13th), and Mercury Retrograde in Gemini (shadow/pre-Rx period starting May 14th).

As such, our attention may be guided to and through the *words* that bear weight in our imagination, creation of reality, formation of identity, and experience of Self ... impacting the deep pleasure of being ourselves.

We may notice what quantum of our magnetic and raw erotic life force energy (Lilith conjunct this New Moon ruled by Venus) has been diverted into a learned or inherited emotional context of a key word (e.g. name, label, adjective, title, identity), enabling it as a kind of “play” button for a particular habit of self-expression/self-withholding/self-protection/self-conception.

Now there’s an invitation to liberate these key words from the past, and re-story them to a context of authenticity, Enough-ness and soul’s journey.

Looking at the astrology, we get a clue as to what these “words” might be related to.

With Mars in the sign of Cancer, the asteroid goddess Ceres entering the sign of Taurus, and this New Moon coming at the heels of Mother’s Day, this astrological moment points to a healing opportunity and leverage point for change via our personal relationship and animation of certain words related to the Mother archetype — e.g. “Mom”, Home, Care, Comfort, Softness, Sweetness, Attachment, Conception, Birth, Nurturance, Acceptance, Letting go, Grief …

As we question old narratives and awaken from old spells, we will confront the external definitions and meanings we have integrated for these words (again, these names, labels, adjectives, titles, and identities) and emotional labyrinths of subconscious compliance or defiance that they carve out for us. Clear understanding of what these words have meant and evoked from us in the past and why, and imagining how they could feel in the brightest future and why, can in the present moment:

  • guide our attention toward the places in our lives where we could actually make adjustments to align with that highest vision,

  • illuminate needs we may not have previously recognized we had within old concepts**,

  • usher our communication of needs and wants through a maturation process,

  • organize ourselves around new habits,

  • and invite shared experiences around what particular words can represent, so that they can repetitively reflect our values, our own inherent value, and become more and more potent in our weaving of a Life-affirming world.

**We all have a mental self-concept shaped by our primary caregivers’ reactions to us in childhood and by the overarching culture in which we were raised. This circumscribes a limited set of experiences that we can imagine for ourselves. This also circumscribes a limited set of needs and desires that are included in our awareness. However, as we expand to include more of our Wholeness, we also expand to include more of our authentic needs and desires … which can lead to the discomfort of feeling “needy”, “too much”, disruptive, a burden, wrong, or confusing to those in intimate relationships with us. The square forming between Mars and Chiron during this New Moon suggests a release or discovery of fertility and fecundity within spaces courageously held for such vulnerability.

Regardless of gender or any societally recognized label, we all have the Moon and Ceres in our birth charts. We all are mothering something in our lives, be it biological, adopted, or creative progeny. With the North Node in Gemini during this Eclipse Season and with Mercury trine to Saturn now, it looks like there is an opportunity to get curious about your dynamic with different flavors and phases of mothering energy, what rules or definitions you play within (through identification or rebellion) and to play outside of that box now. To play from, through and with all different facets of all you could possibly imagine Mother energy coming from a place of utter Enough-ness and interconnectedness..

Since it is rare to have this modeled to us and already available in our emotional body, it is timely to have Jupiter enter Pisces on May 13th. While Jupiter in Aquarius supports us in channeling Genius, a Future Vision, or a higher Truth beyond the current paradigm, Pisces offers us the forgiveness necessary to actually receive the vision.

Until now, we may have unwittingly protected ourselves from having the highest possibility land or arise fully in our imagination, because we were not yet ready to forgive ourselves for how, where, and with whom we accepted and re-created a core lie that we were taught. Where we have invested in veils between ourselves and that which we are seeking. How we have co-created a circumstance that we have been fighting against. Jupiter in Pisces offers the healing balm of forgiveness to receive a re-membering of Love.

May this New Moon in Taurus be sweet to you.




Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius


New Moon in Aries