Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius

This morning at 4:13 AM, we had a Full Moon Eclipse, with the Sun at 5º26' of Gemini and the Moon at the same degree in Sagittarius.

Now notice what happens for you in the spaces of suspense, like in the in-between chapters of a story. It's totally normal to want to skip to the end of the book, to give or be given the answer. Or to take an action that, however briefly, collapses uncertainty to something more familiar ... favorable or not, aligned or not.

Notice what belief systems make suspense very difficult.

Notice what desires create the experience of suspense.

It's not to say that these beliefs are wrong, or that we are wrong to have them. That suspense shouldn't exist, nor the needs and desires that create it. But noticing them can give you the experience or the glimmer that you are not these beliefs. And, through that gap, Know:

You are worthy.

You are lovable.

You are good.

You are seen.

You are held.

You are enough.

You belong.

Notice where in life you have a greater capacity to be in this gap. To hold space for uncertainty and, thereby, the possibility for awe to liberate your mind from its narratives. Play with beaming this capacity over different areas of your life, especially along the mutable cross of Gemini-Sagittarius/Virgo-Pisces. Practice self-forgiveness and self-love around what you thought you knew, and now you have additional information that is bringing up some grey areas. Notice what judgment and rules arose from previous black-and-white thinking. Notice which rules are becoming the edges of a comfort zone that you are now expanding beyond, subject to nuance, greater levels of self-awareness, discernment, surrender, and vulnerability.

When we step beyond our comfort zones, it's okay to go slow. It's okay to focus on what boundaries you need to support your nervous system through this expansion. And it's okay to ask for support. But again, be wary of the reflex to reach for answers from any number of sources that are not in the position to give you the certainty that you want. Perhaps authentic support now comes more in the form of stories from peers who are moving through similar emotions and their own growth edges. This sharing may offer glimpses into your situation from a different perspective and a greater sense of connectedness, while still maintaining the recognition that you are an individual, with a unique role to play and map to follow.

We won't have all the information we need before we need to make choices and decisions. But we can align.

On May 27th, we have Venus in Gemini square to Neptune in Pisces.

Neptune represents our spiritual ideals. For example, this could be to become a source of unconditional Love in the face of radical vulnerability. Or, a source of radical Abundance in the middle of scarcity. It's like a Pole Star we can point ourselves towards. It's not a static destination that we reach, but we can align with it and dis-cover divine harmony in the here and now, from this alignment.

Venus represents our values. In square aspect to Neptune, Venus can bring up a challenge around how this orientation to our ideals actually looks like on the ground, in current space and time, in our human bodies and relationships.

Do we tend to lose sight of the Pole Star, maybe as something too lofty to be relevant in moments of navigating challenging terrain? Do we keep returning to the maps and standards we were given?

Do we tend to check out or escape the Earth-bound circumstances, in efforts to reach the stars?

On May 28th, Venus conjoins Mercury in Gemini. And then on the 29th, Mercury goes Retrograde (and will be until June 22nd.) This is all an opportunity and a challenge to keep allowing our innate gifts and Authentic Self to emerge through the tension of paradox, between our values and ideals, the time-bound and timeless, our messiness and perfection, the 'As Is' and our dreams.

Go at the pace of kindness and healing.




New Moon Eclipse in Gemini


New Moon in Taurus