New Moon in Virgo

Dear Ones,

Today we have a New Moon at 25 degrees of Virgo, trine Saturn in Capricorn.

The energy of Virgo transitions us from the perspective of the personal to the collective, human doing to human Being, time to the timeless. Which is not to say that these two sides are separate, or in competition. Virgo represents exactly this bridge. Virgo grows our awareness that we ourselves, inside our bodies, in our work and in our service, are already being the bridge between the seen and unseen. What is it that we are connecting to and inviting across?

Remembering ourselves as the bridge during this Mars Retrograde, sheds light on the subconscious Me-focused questions present in all of our choice points: How does this benefit me? How does this feed into my material security? How does this protect myself and mine?

These questions are one side of it, are all part of it and us, not to be avoided … But, if we come from a place of needing to protect our separate selves without holding it within the truth of our interconnectedness across all time and space, we are more likely to co-create experiences of separation.

Virgo humbles us to our place in the Whole. Seen from a developmental perspective, it prepares us for Libra, for genuine accountability to equality and justice.

Towards this end, here are a few reflection questions to help inspire or engage your imagination around intention-setting on this New Moon in Virgo:

  • What is your inner purpose? What daily habits, mantras, rituals, practices help you remember and align with it?

  • What is your core outer goal? What daily habits, mantras, rituals, practices help sustain this goal with your inner purpose?

  • What small, mundane actions are empowering and giving momentum to your limiting beliefs? What small, mundane actions can empower and give momentum to your Truth?

  • What skill or craft do you want to master? Are already devoted to mastering?

  • What skill or craft asks for your sustained discipline, focused concentration, patience and integrity?

  • What skill enables you to leave behind tangible evidence of your vision, of what exists in your heart?


Full Moon in Aries


Full Moon in Pisces