post-Libra Eclipse

Hi Friends,

I hope you are finding ways to slow down, honor your heart, mind and body, and to rest in whatever way is accessible during this Eclipse Season.

With the ruler of Libra (Venus) and exaltation ruler of Libra (Saturn) both in Pisces, as well as Mars approaching its conjunction with Saturn (April 10th) in Pisces and Neptune present here too …

There is a lot of Pisces activation.

In other words, there is a lot of focus, challenges, changes, doors closed, doors opened in the Pisces area of our charts/lives.

Saturn in Pisces invites us to bring Play, Imagination & Imaginal practices, Self-forgiveness and a kind of No-Agenda into the relational spaces where we have only learned or only really been able to access seriousness and conditional Love; where we haven’t been able to put down a hidden, underlying, or over-arching agenda or attachment because it felt so warranted and life-saving in some way; where maybe there’s black & white thinking, maybe a dogmatic stance, maybe a rigid opinion, judgment or mis-aligned oath, maybe a tendency to make the other person wrong or make ourselves wrong or make the situations wrong, maybe a rejection of the instinctual, intuition or spiritual senses.

While it all makes sense why its there — this black & white perception, these judgments and agendas — we’ve also gotten to a point where it’s time to let more color and creativity in.

We know it is never just two people in a relationship with each other. It’s everyone each person descends from and everyone each person has met ever and the whole entire interwoven field of Story that is being invoked and played out in a given moment.

And if we can slow down and really feel what is here, within the body and within the field between us — and approach what is here with both inner creative authority AND genuine curiosity — we open ourselves to a richer, variegated, erotic, wavy, wide-angle and intimately detailed, mutable livingness of the situation that responds to our touch, our gaze and posture.

In letting go of control, we paradoxically find our creative agency.

And also, in this process, we naturally become more honest with ourselves about where our Life force wants to move and dream the Stories onward into fresh, unpredictable tellings and visions revitalized with color.

I think of what Chris Brennan shared back in his 2023 Year Ahead reading on the Astrology Podcast, about the Saturn-in-Pisces transit. An excerpt from the transcript:

“CB: I like that you used the word color there because I was talking to my friend, Nick Dagan Best, last night, and he pointed out a very interesting thing that happened in the mid 1960s when Saturn was in Pisces, that there was something called the color revolution in television, where in the short span of a few years, especially in 1965 and 1966, all of the major television networks in the US made the push to switch to color programming with NBC being switched to 100% color programming by the end of 1966. So that’s an interesting, again, metaphorical example sometimes of what Saturn in Pisces brings. And initially there were obstacles because it was hard for the networks to switch from black and white TV shows where they could get away with certain things like using black wires in order to hide things that they were rigging up for special effects, and all of a sudden they had to figure out how to do that without it being seen when they switched to color. So there were challenges and obstacles that came up in the process, but still the end result was a very Piscean-type thing.”

With so much in Pisces, there’s an activation and maybe strengthening of our spiritual senses and feeling capacity … to the point where we really can’t get away with the past patterns or tricks we’ve previously used to hide our inner knowings, and put up a front in our relationships.

Living life in full color, with sensing and communication happening at more subtle levels — this all lays bare the ways in which we have rigged up our wires to hide our true feelings and avoid the pain that comes with fully owning and living our truth and following our Life force energy where it wants to flow.

We’re meeting the pain of that constriction.

This SEEING puts pressure or strain on the overall social fabric. While you may be experiencing it primarily with a long-term partner, lover, friend, sibling, parent, friend or child — or internally within your own system — it’s all connected to inherited social tricks that no longer hold up when living life in full color.

So, with this last Full Moon being a South Node Eclipse and in Libra, there is a clearing out of judgments about what’s good/bad right/wrong fair/unfair, that have prevented us from truly feeling in the here-and-now how a river wants to flow in new ways to the Ocean (thinking of Cody Cook-Parrott’s words) … feeling in the here-and-now how Life can more spontaneously, organically and efficiently organize us to bring the core Dream into form.

How do we allow and collaborate with the changes, with our hearts open and our minds available to change?

We can ask for help.

Here is the team of botanical allies who came forward to support the evolutionary possibility of this astrological moment.

There is assistance here with letting go. With allowing for completion. For receiving the gifts of insight and understanding through this completion. For staying connected to the body through an emotional process, while also easing mental churning and clearing out debris in ways that improve communication.

You don’t have to do anything to receive the support of these flower essences, but set a clear intention to connect with one, or a few, or the whole crew, and then tend the connection with the generosity of your attention, curiosity, allowance of surprise (a Life-giving posture that you can practice in this space with the flowers, and then bring forward into other areas of life and relating — all very well-indicated for this year’s astrology!!). You could draw them. Research their biology or ecology. Sit with them in your imagination and observe what comes up in your emotions, memories, sensations, impulses. Offer gratitude and appreciation. Offer an invitation for them to share a message, and an okayness with nothing happening, until something does.

🌕 Loosestrife: Remedy for overwhelm, being stunned, frozen, unable to respond or react. Remedy for grief & loss. Support for acting upon one’s intuitive guidance and trusting one’s spiritual senses; grounding ideas.

🌕 Lilac: Supports an uprightness that’s rooted in a deep remembrance of our essence, our innocence, our home frequency, who we truly are. Helps our inner child remember and remind us of what it feels like to be us in our wonder, lightness and joy. A remedy for depending upon others to remind us or help us remember who we are.

🌕 Horsetail: Supports soul group work. Clarifies communication with different bodies of consciousness. Grounding, strengthening,

🌕 Habanero: Holds us in connection with the body through an emotional process.

🌕 Goldenseal: Also supports releasing patterns related to past identities we’re shedding. Helps clear out toxic by-products or debris from our subtle mental body, during an emotional process.

🌕 Fraxinella: For allowing completion, receiving insight and deeper understanding.

🌕 Cilantro: Yet another ally for helping us with the shedding, letting go, release, purifying that comes with a South Node eclipse. Offers upliftment, lightness and strengthens presence during emotional processes and growth.

🌕 Butterflyweed: An ally for one’s inquiry into and commitment within the context and envisioning of long term partnerships, family, kin.

🌕 Nasturtium: For revitalizing, replenishing and re-weaving our thinking minds and intellect, into a living wholeness. An ally for the upcoming Mercury Rx in Aries.

Books are open for April Readings


🦋 Meet Your Birth Chart: A sweet, expansive & grounded introduction to your birth chart, oriented to folks relatively new to astrology or who have never received a reading before. Come with a few topics or questions you would like to explore!

🦋 FLORANOVA Radiant Self (Year Ahead Astrology + Custom Flower Essences): We'll take a birds eye view of the upcoming year before you actually walk it, so that you can navigate with more attunement and foresight, as well as creativity and confidence. This reading can help you warm up to the main event curves of your year, so that when the peaks do arrive, you're more acclimated to the themes, resourced to engage them with grace and conscious participation, and ready to metabolize your life experiences into an embodied wisdom. Also enjoy a flower essence blend formulated precisely to support your unique constitution and well-being during this special moment in time, helping to naturally ground, balance and integrate the wider celestial rhythms for your upcoming year. (Astrology reading only option here. Reading + Flower Essences option here). Learn more about FloraNova and flower essences here.

🦋 Living Moons 1:1 Experiential Astrology: Approach your birth chart as a sentient ecosystem available for connection, collaboration and co-creativity in the here-and-now, and an opportunity to awaken and experience your own multi-dimensional intelligence. Tune into your felt sense and the generous field of Story that underlies the creation and sustenance of new worlds.

🦋 TIME AS LOVE 1:1 Astrology Mentorship: Cultivate a relationship with Time that grounds you in the creative power of your universal nature, tends to the ripening of miracles, and supports your sovereign meaning-making process. Time As Love supports a manifestation of Being, an embodiment of both waxing and waning consciousness, as well as your capacity to recognize your authentic successes, even before there is external validation of them.

🦋 1:1 Astrology for Expecting Parents: There are parts of you that still lie nestled in a kind of dreaming womb space, which will be pushed into existence and Life on Land alongside the birth of your child. You can prepare yourself now for being able to receive these new aspects of your nature with Love and Self-leadership. And, in so doing, you will also support yourself in becoming the best parent you can be for your child.

🦋 1:1 Astrology for Parents & Caregivers: Engage with the parenting journey in a way that feels softer, more fluid, enchanted, and held within a web of relational support and council. Steward inner spaciousness and self-forgiveness. Access inner clarity while falling in love with the questions and the journey itself. Remember how to play and see the magic.

🦋 Waitlist for a Community Membership for Parents: Deep support for embodying wholeness through Parenthood. Go beyond parenting dogmas, to access a living wisdom and your authentic parenting spirit.


Mercury rx in aries


New Moon in Pisces