New Moon in Pisces

Hi Friends,

I have a few things to share on this 🦋 New Moon in Pisces 🦋

Fundraiser for Land Back

First, I want to donate four astrology readings towards an incredible opportunity here for Land Rematriation. From the California Heritage: Indigenous Research Program (CHIRP) website: “The Nevada City Rancheria Nisenan Tribe has a time-limited opportunity to purchase 232 acres located on a historic Nisenan Village site called Yulića near Nevada City, CA. As with many Indigenous traditions, the Tribe’s health and its culture are symbiotic with the Land - neither People nor Land can thrive without relationship to the other. As such, the purchase and rematriation of Yulića provides a tremendous potential for stability and healing for the Tribe, the environment, and the fabric of the Sierra Nevada foothills community.” As of today, the campaign has raised $841,122! You can learn more about it here.

🦋 What this means is that you can:

(a) reserve an astrology reading with me (first come-first serve) through this link, and then,

(b) confirm your reservation by either sending a receipt of a $150 (the price of one of my standard astrology readings) or $100 (for return clients who have had a reading with me within one year) donation to the campaign, OR send payment to my venmo or paypal account (I’ll share my info after your reservation) and then I’ll make the donation.

If you’ve been wanting to get an astrology reading (or know a friend who might) and also want to support the Homeland Return of Yulića, now is the time to book!! 🦋

New Website & Offerings

I have an updated website and menu of offerings that I’m really excited to share with you all. These offerings have been developing for several years now … and I am sure that they will continue to evolve and morph into new shapes and iterations. But this definitely marks a significant step into more experiential astrology, as well as longer-term containers and options for working together, and continuing to weave parent coaching into my astrology work.

Since several of these offerings are new (though not all of them), there is the option for receiving the reading at a discounted price in exchange for feedback. If that is something you are available and excited to participate in, you’ll find more information when you click through.


🦋 Meet Your Birth Chart: A sweet, expansive & grounded introduction to your birth chart, oriented to folks relatively new to astrology or who have never received a reading before. Come with a few topics or questions you would like to explore!

🦋 FLORANOVA Radiant Self (Year Ahead Astrology + Custom Flower Essences): We'll take a birds eye view of the upcoming year before you actually walk it, so that you can navigate with more attunement and foresight, as well as creativity and confidence. This reading can help you warm up to the main event curves of your year, so that when the peaks do arrive, you're more acclimated to the themes, resourced to engage them with grace and conscious participation, and ready to metabolize your life experiences into an embodied wisdom. Also enjoy a flower essence blend formulated precisely to support your unique constitution and well-being during this special moment in time, helping to naturally ground, balance and integrate the wider celestial rhythms for your upcoming year. (Astrology reading only option here. Reading + Flower Essences option here). Learn more about FloraNova and flower essences here.

🦋 Living Moons 1:1 Experiential Astrology: Approach your birth chart as a sentient ecosystem available for connection, collaboration and co-creativity in the here-and-now, and an opportunity to awaken and experience your own multi-dimensional intelligence. Tune into your felt sense and the generous field of Story that underlies the creation and sustenance of new worlds.

🦋 TIME AS LOVE 1:1 Astrology Mentorship: Cultivate a relationship with Time that grounds you in the creative power of your universal nature, tends to the ripening of miracles, and supports your sovereign meaning-making process. Time As Love supports a manifestation of Being, an embodiment of both waxing and waning consciousness, as well as your capacity to recognize your authentic successes, even before there is external validation of them.

🦋 1:1 Astrology for Expecting Parents: There are parts of you that still lie nestled in a kind of dreaming womb space, which will be pushed into existence and Life on Land alongside the birth of your child. You can prepare yourself now for being able to receive these new aspects of your nature with Love and Self-leadership. And, in so doing, you will also support yourself in becoming the best parent you can be for your child.

🦋 1:1 Astrology for Parents & Caregivers: Engage with the parenting journey in a way that feels softer, more fluid, enchanted, and held within a web of relational support and council. Steward inner spaciousness and self-forgiveness. Access inner clarity while falling in love with the questions and the journey itself. Remember how to play and see the magic.

🦋 Community Membership for Parents: Deep support for embodying wholeness through Parenthood. Go beyond parenting dogmas, to access a living wisdom and your authentic parenting spirit.

New Moon in Pisces Contemplations

20°17 Pisces, Sunday, March 10th, 1:00 AM Pacific

I want the body to have a voice beyond symptom. I want space for the body’s dreaming genius to be revealed, and to shift us into a new paradigm simply through the nature of that revelation — through directly experiencing how the body can share with mind-blowing precision about what is most alive and wildly meaningful (as well as what is most parched or tamed) for us, so that this aliveness and wild meaning-making can inform our choices and actions.

The body-mind is capable of assembling sensation, impulse, instinct, words, thoughts, images, memories … until a particular telling of a Story has woven together in a way that makes so much sense with respect to our current focus, aim and relational context.

And then, just like that, the body-mind can unweave it all. It can make itself available for the next telling. The body-mind can allow for one version or telling of a deeper Story to particularize, and then return to its wave form, remaining mutable and multivalent (ungovernable) in its meaning, offering a wellspring of spiritual nourishment that can never be owned but only directly and wildly re-discovered again and again, as our lives continue to unfurl.

In this way, there are no teachers that are the owners of knowledge and there are no saviors that are the owners of solutions or remedies. At some point, the answer is ineffable and the best we can do is keep dancing with each other with radical curiosity and respect.

In this way, the field of Story can be replenished, rehydrated, nourished by such an endless diversity of tellings and perspectives.

And it can be so powerful to keep cultivating the eyes to see it, the ears to hear it, a heart open to receive it.


My desire for our bodies to have a voice is essentially the same as my desire for the many aspects of who we are (i.e. the Zodiac or Circle of Animals within) to each have a voice — to have the freedom to weave their story through our body-mind, and be received and experienced as an honored guest.

And … in a way … sometimes not.

Nestled within my larger desire for the Circle of Animals to each have a voice and a safe habitat to be, is the desire for consent. I want us to have more space and discernment to say Yes or No to the “parts” (i.e. deeper instincts, archetypal energies, god/desses ) that are asking to express, play through, imagine and dream us and our lives.

I notice how religious imprinting shows up in the tendency to relate to our birth charts and astrological transits as something we surrender to. I want us to have a chance to approach and have a conscious encounter with these archetypal energies, in a way that actually deepens us into the truth of who we are.

Imaginative. Creative.

Humans are here to make new meanings, to infuse our own creative flair and weave our own unique expressions of Love into the diverse tapestry of Stories. And that involves having encounters with archetypal energies in ways where we are not just surrendering, but rather we are recognizing the pieces and actively engaging our own imagination around how these pieces might come together and, from these encounters and imaginings, see with fresh eyes and respond differently in our lives. We are both dreaming the Universe, and being dreamed …

One first step is to be able to (intuitively, emotionally, somatically, etc) recognize the characters, creatures, landscapes of the Stories, when they do come. It involves our multi-dimensional intelligence. And it involves holding spaces in our lives where these creatures can tell their story from their perspective, in their words, from their native habitat— and not just from the perspective and habitat of the dominant narrative that currently organizes us.

And, when I say “dominant narrative” here, this might mean one that comes from the outside, and doesn’t serve our spirit, and is a colonizing presence. In which case, it can make more immediate sense to us to un-blend our perception from that narrative.

But, also, maybe this dominant narrative or perspective actually comes from within. And, maybe, it does authentically serve us in this moment. But Life is always changing. The game is always changing. And it aids our resilience, imagination and empathy to practice un-blending from our favored stories about ourselves and the world, listening deeply and receiving other perspectives that live inside of us, and dancing between them. To expand our capacity to play, even (especially) in moments where play feels naive or like a sacrilege because of how serious the situation is.

But maybe we need to re-cognize and steward Play in more forms.

It all takes a Piscean level of being game, radical self-forgiveness, and a core belief that we are good inside. That, when we let go, what comes forward from deep within us, can be held in relationship.

The willingness (and recognition) to let go and play with different configurations doesn’t always come readily — especially once we have fully aligned ourselves with one perspective (identified with an archetypal energy, god/dess, Season) or one configuration for a time (generations?), because it was the best posture to carry out our work or agenda. It isn’t easy to shape-shift after we’ve invested a lot of emotional energy, resources and identification into this one permutation. Personality patterns calcify, and what was once fluid becomes more structural. We develop an internal world order.

But Pisces is the season when we transition from one internal world order, to the next.

It’s the season when a particular order, organization, or telling of the Story, no longer serves our heart’s vision, wholeness or creative empowerment, and we are invited to let the body-mind unweave it and become available to a fresh telling — even though we don’t know what’s on the other side.

We’re being invited to let more Love in, to play and create in the face of radical vulnerability.

But in that process of unlearning, unweaving, dissolving, it can be really dis-orienting and overwhelming to remember that many of the rules we’ve been following were essentially made up. So then, what’s real? What’s reliable? What can we trust? What do we follow?

Especially while Saturn is in Pisces and approaching Neptune, I find it helpful to practice “playing” (Pisces) in a ritual space in ways that allow us to approach and un-blend from one or two perspectives at a time, along with their associated rules (Virgo) and not try to deal the whole cacophony.

And then, we can become available to attuning to the Dreams that emerge from a greater, wider wholeness, which are now asking for help with incarnation. That are asking to be held in Self-belonging (in secure attachment to our own Core Self) because, upon their emergence, there will be an outer revolution. When these Dreams manifest, it will naturally disrupt the myriad ways that things (relationships, jobs, routines, communities) have been patterned, without these aspects of our essential nature in mind or truly honored.

Fortunately, our own system’s innate wisdom can let us know, small step by small step, what can support a more easeful and gentle passage onto land from their time in the watery womb.


The more respect and space we can give our internal multiplicity and play of consciousness, paradoxically the more coherent of an inner voice comes forward. The stronger our inner voice, the more immunity we have against external bugs, narratives or programming that might colonize our innate way of being, seeing, or aiming our attention … thereby freeing us to grow the dynamic structures that do support a wild and interconnected emergence, rippling throughout the fabric of all Life.


post-Libra Eclipse


New Moon in Capricorn