Solar Eclipse & New Moon in Taurus

1:28 PM Pacific Time

This New Moon is part of Eclipse season and connected to an eclipse back on November 19th, 2021. If you keep a journal, you can go back to that date and see what was brewing, bubbling up and releasing then. 

Today’s Eclipse occurs at the same point in the sky as the asteroid Eros (Cupid) as well as the high-voltage revolutionary Uranus, and at the same moment that Jupiter and Venus come together in the sign of Pisces. 

One image that popped into my mind around this event, was a moment from my own childhood when I found a snake in the garage. Upon discovering it, I responded by carefully and deliberately building a labyrinth of wooden blocks all up and around the snake, until it couldn’t get out. (How I did this, without the snake just leaving, I don’t know). And now, there's a sense of me/Life slowly removing those blocks, while taking good care of the little 5 year old who was led to build walls around this powerful creature energy in the first place. 

With this Eclipse, I feel like personally, and maybe collectively, there are more openings available for the snake to move. And, with that, there’s the need to help regulate and ground the younger parts of us, and our own bodies, as they may re-meet the original overwhelm of this Eros, the power of life force energy, desires, and impulses.

At the moment of this New Moon and Solar Eclipse, Pallas Athene enters Taurus along with Mercury having recently entered Gemini. However, Mercury will retrograde back into Taurus for about an extra month, so I am wondering if there will be something that we first attempt to create, build, or express through Gemini (Air, words, writing, communications) during this Eclipse season …. but end up back-tracking and returning to Taurus (Earth, silence and stillness, the body, routine, ritual) to deepen and see at the root of something, which will allow us to move forward again from a more grounded sense of our innate value — maybe with more alignment in our body, and with channels of communication open between our body’s holistic perception to our mind and Self-expression.

Nuthatch medicine & Human Design

With the Eclipse, we have Jupiter and Venus joining together in Pisces at a degree that corresponds with Gate 36 in Human Design, called the Darkening of Light or Concealment of Illumination. This Gate is connected to the rollercoaster of emotions, the downs as well as the ups, all of which brings us to emotional clarity.

Around the moment of the Eclipse, Pluto stations Rx making its presence a little more pronounced. And the animal that I’ve felt connected to Pluto in Cap, is the nuthatch. Unlike other birds, Nuthatch has a backward pointing toe and can walk down the tree, finding hidden treasure and stored wealth on the sides of bark invisible to birds that walk up the tree.

What comes up in us when we feel like we are going against the grain?

What treasure might be revealed when we surrender to the full emotional wave?


New Moon in Leo


New Moon in Aries