Solar Eclipse in Cancer & Solstice

The antidote to dehumanizing programs, in our psyches and in our society, lies in our humanity. Our capacity to deeply feel. To deeply imagine. To ground our actions in care. And, to necessarily raise our level of care above how we have been conditioned to give and expect it.

We have been conditioned to care in ways that protect ourselves and others from feeling the full depth our feelings and honestly facing our shadows.

To defend ourselves and others from experiencing the real growing pains of becoming more and more True.

It’s helpful to remember that as our expression of Love becomes more authentic, it will inevitably push up against these massive, heavy, dense, fear-based structures spanning all our physical, emotional, mental, psychic … personal, familial and societal … bodies, which were once created to supposedly defend and protect ourselves. It is painful when they crumble. Fear absolutely comes up when they crumble. And because they were built from fear, our evolutionary process requires us to meet that fear, under whichever guise or compelling story it is coming up, head-on in order to grow past it. To out-create it from our place of authority. Which is our choice to have self-compassion, both in the body (resources for this below) and FOR our physical body, like a mother would for a child, as it is processing so much for us right now. Even if the compassion is for the thought “I can’t help but feel so much fear about this.” We have been trapped by fearing fear as much as we have been trapped by fearing growing pains.

Our culture has not been created to hold this process, because that would be its own undoing. A culture that is dehumanizing could only have been viable for as long as it’s been, by conditioning us to run away from our pain. And thereby, run away from our growth.

And not just run away from growth, but add a good dose of shame to keep us from it. If we feel pain, if we feel sick, it must be because we were doing something wrong, were not good enough, somehow deserved it.

This has created a huge block to our readiness to face growth with a surging YES. To face growing pains with unending self-love and self-acceptance. As we would for a woman in labor. With honor, humility, reverence, and validation.

Part of transformation is practicing self-acceptance in the exact moment of fear, pain, shame and as great not-knowing. This re-trains our nervous systems to the truth of our sovereignty, creative authority and imagination. But the paradox is that the more we step into our authority, the more deeper emotions from intergenerational trauma can break through the surface to be met with our higher level of consciousness.

And because many emotions have been portrayed as the problem, it can make it seem like we’re not on track.

Under this Eclipse, the shells that protect our sensitive insides may not be working the way we implicitly expect. The evolutionary intention of Cancer is to come into more intimate relationship with Life as it is, from all directions. To keep evolving your shell to match your inner growth, so that more and more Life is allowed through to find and be healed by the absolutely vast capacity of the human heart.



Resources for calming the nervous system and support emotional release:

  • Quick breathwork practice for in the moment

  • Longer breathwork for significant emotional clearing

  • Tapping or EFT

  • Lion's Breath

  • Earthing, get your bare feet on a patch of Earth

  • Eating with all five senses

  • Self myofascial massage

  • Sighing, laughing, singing

  • Jumping jacks

  • Brushing off the skin


Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn


Neutral witness