The Saturn-Uranus Square


The astrology of 2021 falls in the context of a significant dynamic between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus. These two planets form a series of three squares to each other, on February 17th, June 14th, and December 24th 2021. This offering is intended to support you through the second square in June, while also offering a framework to digest and make meaning of what happened in February and creating a platform to stand, feel more creative and on purpose for the final square in December.

Squares occur when two or more planets form a 90° angle to each other. As this aspect is ruled by the planet Mars, you can get an idea of the possibility associated with a square by contemplating the function of Mars.

Mars is built for the arena. It is your capacity to take action in the world. To assert and go after what you want and need. Mars is hot, impulsive, and, by nature, self-centered. So, when our Mars has fully taken over the wheel, we tend to act primarily from our personal desire or self-protective nature. As such, Mars is known to govern aggression, impatience, anger, conflict and war.

However, when in service of a clear inner direction and a sense of Self that is one with and part of a larger Whole, Mars can bring the will and the courage to get in the arena and “rumble with vulnerability”, as Brené Brown says, and create real change.

Working with Mars is not generally easy. But, over time, as we face moments of external instability with a growing awareness of an authentic and sincere inner direction, we begin experiencing more and more of our actions — whether they end up leading to success, failure, accomplishment, detours or mistakes — as all food for our purpose. This experience of Held-ness, or grace, further empowers and uplifts our Mars. It strengthens our ability to take action with less self-doubt and more true freedom ... even and especially in moments of great uncertainty. The more we consciously engage our Mars, the more fear subsides, and a more intimate engagement with Life opens up.

As the astrological aspect governed by Mars, a square transit is also not easy. Like working with Mars, squares initiate us into a particular arena of action in the world. And, like working with Mars, the discomfort or challenge of a square can trigger us to be more hot, impulsive, and self-centered. It can lead to identifying with one side of the square, projecting the other side, and unwittingly co-creating conflict where we may lose touch with the possibility to uplift both sides within ourselves. And to change the world from that place of inner peace.

This particular square between Saturn and Uranus — between the Master and the Rebel, the Rule-Maker and the Rule-Breaker — is putting pressure on us to navigate our motivations with respect to our responsibility to others and society, and our freedom and individuation from external expectations.

What we want to do with this square is gain awareness of what side we tend to identify with. Perhaps we adhere to the rules out of a sense of care and duty for others and society, but at the expense of our truth. Perhaps we have glimmers of what freedom could look like, and we want to break any rule that seems to stand in our way of getting there. This square helps us flesh out a bridge between paradigms where we can wisely discern when, where, how and which rules to break (Uranus) and which rules to accept, allow, and follow through with (Saturn), given the "As Is" of any present moment.

How this opportunity articulates in May and June will look and feel the same for all of us in some ways, and also be very particular to each of us in other ways. This is reflected in our chart. How this square between Uranus and Saturn lands in context with your North Node can give us an idea of what it means in relationship to the direction of your soul’s journey and unfolding, which is harmonious with the collective. We’ll look at what areas of life are involved (e.g. marriage, career, assets, community etc), and what life themes and personal opportunities may be activated.

So, the purpose of this offering is to give:

(a) an astrological context that can serve as an anchor for imagining positive possibilities amidst uncertain times, a mirror for receiving deep validation for what is our felt experience, and a guide that helps us aim our little boat down the center of the river we are riding and not get caught up in the shores of chaos (Uranus) or the shores of control (Saturn), but stay in the flow of our emerging Self, and

(b) custom flower essence support to nourish and ground all the layers of our system — physical, emotional, mental, energetic, and spiritual — through this revolutionary time. This is an amazing opportunity. Most flower essence blends you find at the store or on the internet are generalized to address and support certain personality types, imbalances, conditions, or astrological energies. This blend is customized specifically to support the openings, influences and indications reflected in your birth chart, for your soul's journey at this exact threshold.

What are flower essences?

"Flower essences are safe, natural and non-toxic herbal supplements that highlight the energetic qualities of flowering plants. They help attune and align the many aspects of ourselves with our essential nature and highest intelligence while resolving limiting conditioning. Using the right combination of essences can support our positive self-expression during difficult circumstances, strengthen our intentions and resolve old patterning that no longer serves." - Maggie McProud

I have personally been working with astrology in synergy with flower essences for five years and specifically with Maggie for over a year. And, everything started rapidly opening up after working with her blends. I am so excited to integrate them into offerings for you.

How to get started:

1. >> Sign up here today! (Deadline is April 12th)

2. Receive a welcome email with instructions and a form to submit birth information and mailing address.

3. By April 28th, receive a email with a link to your recordings.

4. By May 1st, receive your custom flower essence blend in the mail.

Excited to work with you!

Many Blessings,



New Moon in Aries


Full Moon in Libra