Full Moon in Libra

"We believe in warriors and we don't believe in war"

- Rising Appalachia

Today at 11:48 a.m. Pacific Time, we have a Full Moon at 8°18' of Libra, with the Sun forming a conjunction to Chiron and Venus in the sign of Aries. We also have Mercury joining Neptune at 21°21' of Pisces, exact tomorrow.

What more authentic ways of being in relationship have you chosen and humbled yourself to, in this past year?

In this choosing and humbling, what glimmers of something truly new, maybe Spring-like, have you received with respect to being in relationship?

This choice, this humbling, this willingness may have brought up a lot of fear and asked of you new forms of courage. It may have led you to shed skin and separate from what was familiar, but wearisome.

It may have taken a fierce commitment to tolerate the burning of unmet desires, and drop into even deeper longings of the heart that had felt too tender to acknowledge.

It may have led you into the fire, under waterfalls, through wind storms, and mud. It may have left you raw, but also in a state of radiance from which you could see the radiance in another .... and the transmutational power of that connection.

It may have led you to recognize the present moment in its own kind of radiance, which was veiled before you surrendered this fully to a turn in the process that we were all habituated to avoid.

And. As our unfolding brings us into this greater immediacy with Life, this Full Moon may illuminate certain doorways to intimacy that we've learned to keep close. Certain ways we've learned to come into our individuality — not as an irreplaceable vantage point through which the Universe can experience itself — but instead as a refuge of separation because we learned somewhere early along the way that Love was equated with taking, with having something taken from us energetically or otherwise. Or we learned that Love involved an obligation to give energetically etc, in ways that left us feeling depleted and not ourselves. Unwittingly, we learned to build up barriers around a mental self-concept, which now allows for seeing through them, and re-membering genuine intimacy. Where we might discover that which we adore in other ... within ourselves. Where we might discover that which we are repulsed by in other ... inside of ourselves. And bring a state of presence and grace to that.

Reflect on the warrior strength in the softness you found this year. Sit with the present moment for as long as you have available to you, and breathe into it. Just notice what comes up. That sense of “nothing happening” is a habit that takes courage to see through or, in other words, forgive.

All the Love and Full Moon Blessings,



The Saturn-Uranus Square


New Moon in Pisces