Full Moon Eclipse in Gemini


Whew! So many messages coming in from all sides in this newsletter, but, 'tis a Full Moon Eclipse in Gemini ... so here we go ....

The subconscious mind can absorb 20 million bits of information in a single second. Of all that information, we are only able to focus on 7- 40 bits. What comes through and the meaning we make of it, depends upon our core belief systems.

This means that our creative power truly lies in our ability to witness our stories and understand their origins; to shift our narratives as well as our relationship to our narratives; to choose the words that we use and keep evolving that language with our growing awareness of Self and Oneness; to uplift and hold space for stories that have been marginalized within ourselves and society; and to write new endings for ourselves and together.

The shadow of our storytelling powers is the projection of our narrative upon another person or group of people, in a way that mis-represents, denies, or over-writes their actual experience, capacity for self-definition, and the possibility for an authentic relationship between us. The story of Thanksgiving is just one example.

Such an abuse of power becomes systematic when the projection of a false, distorted, or incomplete narrative (Sagittarius) is woven into a set of social agreements (Gemini) that make it physically dangerous for someone to express themselves or tell their story outside of that dominant narrative. This theme, with all of its ripple effects and implication related to the building up and breaking down trust in our own selves and in one another, was activated this past spring/summer by the Jupiter (our belief systems) and Pluto (power struggle) conjunctions that happened on April 4th, June 30th, and November 12th, 2020.

The eclipses along the Gemini-Sagittarius axis, occurring this Full Moon on November 30th and the New Moon on December 14th, are continuing to unravel this theme, revealing what belief systems we have unconsciously resisted questioning, because core survival mechanisms are bound up with them. In this way, the eclipses will likely bring up the errors and incomplete ways we share the truth in our hearts, due to these beliefs in our heads.

I know you don't need me to tell you that we are in a period of deep transformation. And as we shed an old skin, and surrender to our re-birth, we wonder what will come forward and our world is unstable. We are not filtering the information coming in, or going out, as usual.

Inner and outer fear-based voices may rise to a fever pitch. But also, voices rooted in Love, may come forward to firmly hold space for our emergence.

We may be allowing far more messaging into our sphere of consideration. Or, maybe, far less.

This all may end up being antidotal to the tyranny of the single story that had shaped the smallness of our last shell. It may actually help us to tune into our whole Truth, and not just the agreeable parts that fit our mental self-concept.

Old programming will have us believe that our messiness and mistakes are shameful. That our very healing path itself is shameful. It will lead us to omit parts of our own Truth, even when communicating to people with whom we long for greater intimacy ... which then re-generates the experience of not being seen, heard or Enough, that led us to self-censure in the first place.

In the relationships we are choosing to nurture, it is often an inherited belief about our innate worth (or lack) that eventually becomes the last wall preventing a soul encounter with another and co-evolution. With Venus and Mercury in Scorpio during this Full Moon Eclipse, we are being challenged to grow here.

Now is a time to keep witnessing, layer by layer by layer, the story of Separation that exists within ourselves, until we see where the source of radiance and regeneration for Me is the same as it is for Us. Self-acceptance.

While all of our healing journeys are multi-faceted, one facet that we collectively share at this moment (and to varying degrees depending on how the Eclipse activates our personal birth chart) is an invitation to lean into the evolutionary intention of Gemini. To cultivate tolerance for the Unknown and attend to our communication skills.

How we speak to ourselves, and each other.

How we listen to ourselves, and each other.

Part of this healing is admitting that you, alone, do not have the Answer. I, alone, do not have access to the Whole Picture. I am imperfect and I will make many more mistakes in life. I am in no position to judge. But, I AM in the position to draw boundaries around any messaging that denies my innate worth. Practicing the Geminian skill of swirling around a thing to see it from multiple perspectives, does not mean that I am dropping my discernment around what is aligned with my full humanity, innate worth, and authentic purpose.

It is possible for me to hold the tension of uncertainty because I know that I do not have to let any and all data into my energy field in order to have an open mind. And I do not have to shut down all data, to maintain focus.

The Geminian resource of a beginner's mindset, means seeing the world with fresh eyes. It means seeing the narratives that impact (a) how honestly we make sense of inner and outer events and (b) how honestly we communicate those events. Especially noticing when narratives are happening along the lines of "This is what a good person would do//This is what a bad person would do" ... and so I must hide any data that might be evidence I am seen outside the "good person" box. I am not advocating for dropping one's ethics or values, but instead dropping the reflexive judgments and shame that we have learned to divide our wholeness in order to ensure belonging.

So, taking responsibility for all the stories running behind the scenes of our thoughts and emotions, involves cultivating both shame resilience around the uglier stories we have learned, and a willingness not to know when it comes to learning to tune into our Truth. In response to the question, “What’s your advice on how people can take up more space and tell their own story?” Kriste Peoples answered, “We have to give ourselves grace enough to say, “I don’t know” or “I am afraid” or “I am figuring it out” or “I need a minute.” That right there is a tremendous act of self-care and taking up space because you’re clearing for the next step, coming out of the margins of your own life … Make some relative peace with discomfort because being uncomfortable is simply part of the deal. Not everyone will receive you well, support you, or understand. It’s important to not take that personally because when you think about it, if you don’t know where you’re going next, it’s understandable that other people won’t know either. And that’s okay. We have to wander, we have to leave what is familiar, and go through some dark nights before we can come home with the gold. Whatever that gold means to you.”

With respect to making peace with that “discomfort”, I want to acknowledge that that it can run deep and it may not be accessible to move through it just by willingness and willpower. Especially when we are healing from false narratives around race and the racialized trauma that exists in all bodies, we need somatic practices to create the repetitions necessary to strengthen the muscle of holding the extreme discomfort of change. As Resmaa Menakem said in this interview, “But the beauty in it is that you learn so much about yourself in the process of transforming. But you have to get to this suffering's edge. You have to get to the repetition. You have to get to the level of being able to get some reps in and in temporary condition, your body to be able to withstand the charge that it takes to transform”.

In addition to allowing your own true voice to come forward, holding space for another’s authentic voice definitely requires holding the emotional charge of not-knowing. For example, in our relationships, we will come to moments where we are entirely perplexed by the another’s actions. Based on our understanding of how the world works, our intimate partner (sibling, friend, parent) will inevitable do something that feels … just entirely perplexing. How do we respond? Do we come at the person, feeling justified in our agenda of bringing them into (our) order of things? Do we come alongside the person and authentically wonder where they are coming from? Notice what core belief is driving the route you take here.

What "should" have you unconsciously elevated in importance above authentic connection with your significant other (not necessarily romantic)?

Where is an attachment to rightness blocking your access to genuine curiosity about where the other is coming from?

It is important to acknowledge that attachment to rightness and "shoulds" is not evidence of something wrong with you, but reason for self-compassion. It's often an adaptive strategy developed when your own reality has been persistently denied. It is a strategy to survive a culture of codependency, gaslighting, and suppression of emotions. However, because it was learned in reaction to this culture, it does share its energetic roots of Lack. And so, it creates more Lack. Have gentleness with yourself around it. Breathe. Take space when you need and can. Go slow.

The more you practice that Presence, the more you allow for the flexibility necessary to cross-pollinate our individual perspectives and purposes, as we heal together. As we all move in and out of fear reactions and survival mechanisms. The shame structure that is causing you to hide a part of your Truth from a person you actually long to deeply See You, is also the shame structure that is standing between you ... and your Self.

Because that is what really wants to come through this work, and this time. The twin that Gemini is forever seeking, is the one within. Our inner Lover is already, and always, leading us on a wild, nonlinear journey of Reunion, along the edges of the Unknown and through the details (though many missed) of this Now moment ... which we are now being called to Let Go and See.

Well friends, true to Gemini, this newsletter was a lot of words and I applaud you if you made it to the end. If you want to dive into the details of the next two week's astrology, please join me at Patreon, starting at just $3 a month, to dive into more details of the next two week's astrology.

Eclipse blessings XO,



Full Moon in Leo


New Moon in Scorpio