New Moon in Scorpio

Today we have a New Moon in Scorpio at 9:07 pm, Pacific Time.

Pluto rules this new Moon and, being in Capricorn with Jupiter and Saturn sextile this New Moon, Pluto asks us to surrender to showing up.  It asks us to answer the question:  What is this exact moment, right now, asking of me?  Not because it guarantees a particular outcome, but simply because … this is the next step. 

There is no bypassing or skipping this step that the present asks us to take. We don’t become our Future Self without transforming who we are now.  And that process of transformation takes, moment by moment, showing up and surrendering ... to what this moment is asking of us.  Regardless of what we think it should be instead.  Because Life guides our transformation.  We don’t get to work out and transform ourselves within the safe confines of our minds, of thinking about it or planning it out.  But by showing up to What Is.  

This first involves facing What Is.  To look at it directly, all the facets and layers of it — e.g. the people involved, the place I’m in, the number of spoons I have, the number of spoons you have, messages coming in from my emotions, thought patterns feeling sticky, my core Values, my core Vision …

And then, holding and honoring all of that, what is the highest possibility of this moment?  What is this moment asking of me?  

Can I do that?  Can I take that step?

What if I did?  What would emerge?  What aspect of my True Nature would I be calling forward, activating or strengthening?  Who would I be?  

If we are tuned inward to this process of unfolding, moment by moment, alert, honest, willing, engaged ...

Then all of it is composted and nourishing our Becoming. 


Full Moon Eclipse in Gemini


New Moon in LIbra