New Moon in Pisces

This month’s New Moon arrives at 23 degrees of Pisces, 2:21 AM Pacific Time, on March 13th. It looks supportive for this time to devote some soft attention to where you are now, give love to yourself exactly there, pause to integrate, and peer into your experience for any resonance, recognition or revealings around themes of ...

detachment, including from that which we care so deeply about, which does not mean abandonment or coldness, but is a fire of Truth at our core, which burns through myths of separation in a gasping illumination of our interbeing. It is an expression of soft power to which force exhausts itself and gives way to. It allows for paradox. In other words, detachment doesn't judge our attachment style; it includes it and gives way to vision through it ...

and, acceptance of "What Is", including that which we resist, find repulsive or destabilizing, which does not mean passivity, complicity, co-signing, or saying Yes to more of the same, but is a posture that is self-correcting of distorted perceptions we may have of ourselves or others.

These qualities as concepts are like seeds in the mind that can unfurl into a re-frame of a situation, liberating us from a pattern, healing by dis-covering Wholeness, giving us more choices and agency.

These qualities as felt experiences are evidence of manifestation, re-membering our souls, Beingness in action, timelessness within time. But know that in the process of exploring, meeting, inviting, playing these qualities ...

We can expect to face behavior or situations, where “acceptance” does not feel anywhere close to being possible in our felt experience. ...

We can expect to become devoted to a child, lover, vision or cause, where “detachment” does not feel anywhere close to being possible in our felt experience.

This is part of the path. It's included. So, what supports us in holding space at the table (i.e. in the body), in an overarching way, for acceptance and detachment in moments when biochemical processes of attachment, attraction, repulsion, or fear begin shaping a particular experience that is really real for us, urging us toward and closing us in upon a particular trajectory ... maybe before we consciously realize that there's even been a trigger or input of information?

What invites more and more light and pliability into our relationship to our mental positions and narratives so that the mind may become ...

maybe more like an sea anemone moving with new information, with What Is, with how Truth energy is dynamically arriving at each and every given moment, able to receive and catch ideas that are outside of our preexisting notions, plans, preferences, opinions, rules?

Not able to fix anything from the myth of its separate self, but porous to paradigms of higher Power? ...

Now in this motion toward mutability and fluidity, we are likely to come up against our fixedness, or what has become frozen, rigid, or procedural below our conscious awareness, because Venus is conjoining Neptune in Pisces (Mutable Water) under this New Moon, in the context of this year's Saturn in Aquarius (Fixed Air) square to Uranus in Taurus (Fixed Earth). So, it might be helpful to acknowledge that paths of mindfulness or practices of "letting go" may indeed be opening us up to new heights and expanses of spiritual experiences ... but also depths of the biggest resistances, big emotions of anger or fear, or fixed action patterns that come from big T or little t trauma held in the body ... which cannot simply be "made pliable" by deciding to transcend them, to relax, or lighten up.

If different flavors of anger are arising in response to meditation, turning within or whatever Form of not-doing and just-being that you might be leaning into .... there are a lot of reasons for those emotions, but I'm wondering if they aren't saying something about who we are or about what is right to be doing or not doing, but is a step of the thawing process, as parts of us tingle and ache back to life, parts of our psyches that weren't included in the neural grooves carved out by capitalism (et al.) that perceives the world through expediency, productivity, utility, cost-benefit analysis, either/or, comparison, competition?

What if the mindfulness practices and sacred play that create a miracle mindset and prepare us to receive descending inspiration are matched by what is uprising ... are integrated into somatic practices of deep breathing, body scans, grounding, tapping, conscious movements and repetitions that shift both the tingly and urgent emotions associated with the thawing process, from being triggers for storytelling about the past or future to present-time felt sensations (as much as feels accessible in any moment), where light within matter can turn toward the light of your attention, like flowers to the sun?


Shooting stars are blooming by my house. They are a beautiful medicine and reminder for bringing it down. Whatever realizations, revelations, rememberings you are having. Bring them into daily life, small movements, align with them in the ordinary and in-between spaces. Especially in the unseen hidden moments. Those matter. Here, you become your work. You become your love. Stars and Earth.

So much love and New Moon Blessings,



Full Moon in Libra


Full Moon in Leo