New Moon Eclipse in Gemini

This morning at 3:52 AM, we had a New Moon/Solar Eclipse, with the Sun and Moon at 19º47' of Gemini, falling in context of the Saturn-Uranus square of 2021.

Uranus is the planet of freedom and radical vision, Saturn is the planet of restrictions and responsibility. Uranus is the planet of individuation, Saturn governs conformity and tradition. Uranus breaks the rules, Saturn makes them.

When these two planets are in a hard aspect, as they are for all of 2021, it may generate an experience of divide or conflict within our psyche and society. This conversation holds great creative and evolutionary potential, but it is challenging.

First, what to be aware of is that both sides can get louder under a hard aspect.

As we go beyond the known, into the unknown, Saturn — the voice of the Inner Critic, Pessimist, Patriarch, Disciplinarian — the voice of our core doubts and mistrust — can get much louder with all of its judgments, assertions of futility or impossibility, experiences of separation, scarcity, lack, fear, and need for control, evidence or proof of Okayness and security.

Likewise, Uranus can get much louder under a square with Saturn. We might feel the voice of the Rebel saying “Enough is enough”. It’s ready to break free of out-dated agreements, structures, systems, patterns, beliefs. It may not want to just break a rule, but be done with the entire game. Onto something more wild and weird and impossible to box in.

Notice whether you’re inclined to identify with one side (and project the other). Your personality may be more Uranian, or more Saturnian. Or, you may be both. You may identify with one side or the other depending on the time, circumstance, relationship, or present hurdle. Or …. you may experience both sides colliding within and outside of you, simultaneously.

This year, and this month particularly, we’re asked to bring awareness to our relationship to these planets. The voice of self-mastery, emotional maturity, responsibility, caution, practicality, doubt, limitation, fear, rules. The voice of queerness, liberation, resistance, restlessness, impatience. While they seem antagonistic or oppositional, we need to navigate, acknowledge and integrate both energies to make radical and lasting change.

In reflecting upon your relationship to these two archetypal energies, consider these three possible responses to Saturn-Uranus dynamics.

The first possibility is that the startling freedom, glimmers of future alternatives, electrification of our minds, hearts and bodies that Uranus delivers, can lead us to leap. We see a portal open, a doorway out of the current situation and we take it. We jump. In this case, we may leave someone, some group, idea, structure, or agreement of how things are and need to be, behind. We cut attachments, and go.

This response can be a process of self-mastery and come from a place of authority, authenticity and compassion. We've been present with our emotions, we've listened, we're clear about our intentions and values. We're not avoiding responsibility or vulnerability. We are choosing a Yes based on kindness, courage, and a vision rooted in truth, inner abundance, and innate worth.

Or, maybe we haven’t slowed down enough to fully understand our motivations, to lean into vulnerability, to listen. Maybe we have been moved by the power of Uranus, but haven’t slowed down for Saturn to firm up our vessel, our emotional maturity, responsibility, discernment. Saturn might come later then, bearing consequences of that choice over time. Feelings of guilt or separation may bubble up in a way that we eventually have to confront and heal the sense of inner lack that motivated that particular leap.

The second possible response is that — instead of feeling enticing and electrifying — the Uranian insight may feel terrifying and horrible to the personality at that point. The ties we would have to break, the people we might let down or disappoint, the expectations we might fail to meet, the judgment this choice might incur. We might resist Uranus and choose Saturn. Choose the bounds, the limits, the familiar.

And, again there’s nuance. Maybe we choose to stay in the bounds, though we sense a more creative alternative. This might come from an honest recognition of where we are at, the skills we have, our body, our financial situation, etc. We recognize it’s too “cold”, the atmosphere is too high, this idea hasn’t found its way into embodiment yet through our heart. So we stay. We stay with presence, self-acceptance and a growing awareness of what skills we want to practice, support we want to ask for, etc.

Or this second possibility might come from unconscious resistance. We unwittingly resist our own evolution and stay within the limits of a current situation because it just felt too vulnerable to break out. We feel unequipped for change, so we turn away from it. We feel responsible for the situation or others involved, losing touch with our own essential nature and authentic needs. In this case, Uranus may eventually catch up to us under the guise of some circumstance that disrupts or breaks down that situation for us. And we may co-create that disruption or break down in some subconscious way. The way we show up to a job we don't want, leads us to getting fired. The way we show up (or don't show up) to a relationship, leads to a partner leaving us.

And as I’m going through all these possible responses, know that it is part of the journey to experiment, learn and grow through all of them. The bridge between Saturn and Uranus is vulnerability and experience. Learning through all these scenarios, and leaning more and more into that vulnerability, is part of the process of cultivating compassion and warmth in our work with these colder planets.

Lastly, the third possible response is that we evolve in connection to the situation. The design constraints push us to tap into our greatest creativity. When we hold space for both the feelings of impossibility/unworkability and possibility/flow … we are holding space for our feelings. We are bringing awareness to our most driving motivations. We're growing compassion that will allow us to build bridges to and between each other.

This is all in the context of a North Node Eclipse in Gemini. Gemini is a Mercury-ruled sign. It is about words as portals between worlds. It’s not just about timeline jumping as individual people aiming to live our best individual lives. It’s about this capacity to recognize and create possibilities for building bridges between Saturn & Uranus. The more we can do that within ourselves, the more we are able to open doors for connection between us and another person. The more we can offer the medicine of listening and love. And, if these bridges are strong, it doesn’t involve abandoning ourselves, our true freedom, our intention or values. It gives way to co-evolution and co-liberation.

Whatever arises over the next week, it might be Uranus catching up to the parts of ourselves that have resisted change. It might be Saturn catching up to the parts of ourselves that wanted to jump out of a situation, without allowing our full presence with it to mature us and our gifts.

It may feel intuitive that playing by the rules can sometimes keep our creativity stunted. What might feel less intuitive but still true, is when refusing to play by certain rules, to set or accept boundaries, can keep us bound. When ignoring the limits, actually reduces our options.

If you are asked to pivot this week, remember this:

"The real thing is not a path. The real thing is the authenticity of the seeker. Let me emphasize this. You can travel on any path. If you are sincere and authentic, you will reach to the goal. Some paths may be hard, some may be easier, some may have greenery on both sides, some may be moving through deserts, some may have beautiful scenery around them, some may not have any scenery around them, that's another thing: but if you are sincere and honest and authentic and true, then each path leads to the goal.

So it simply can be reduced to one thing: that authenticity is the path. No matter what path you follow, if you are authentic, every path leads to the goal. And the opposite is also true: no matter what path you follow, if you are not authentic, you will not reach anywhere. Your authenticity brings you back home, nothing else. All paths are just secondary. The basic thing is to be authentic, to be true."

-- "Authenticity" from the OSHO Transformation Tarot Card Deck

In sincerity,



Full Moon in Capricorn


Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius