New Moon in LIbra

New Moon in Libra

This reading is for the first half of the lunation cycle, preparing us for the Full Moon in Taurus, conjunct Uranus on the 31st.

But, before I get into the details, I wanted to highlight just one thread that weaves a balancing energy into this New Moon and offers guidance for upcoming weeks.

The thread actually has to do with the Eclipses that we experienced on the Cancer-Capricorn polarity for a year and a half, through 2019 and up to July 2020. I know, we aren’t in Eclipse season now, and it's probably not on your mind at all. However ...

First of all, the impacts of Eclipse seasons unfold for several months after. So, this New Moon and current transits are still landing in the context of that integration.

Secondly, the transiting nodal axis (nodes are the points in the sky where eclipses happen) can give insight into where and how we might fall into the pull of one side of the axis, one side of our vision, of ourselves, of an area of life, or an effort ... in a way that can cause us to lose sight of the other side of our Wholeness, creating imbalance and strain within our system. Given this New Moon is in Libra, let's tune into that guidance.

On one side of a nodal axis, we have the South node and on the opposite side we have the North Node.

The North Node in our birth chart points to what we can intentionally lean into, in order to come into more authentic embodiment and soul growth. The transiting North Node in the sky can reflect reflect future possibilities emerging from the state of consciousness or awareness that we are accessing in the present moment.

So, when you engage with the whole complexity of your birth chart in a way that is aligned with constructive and intentional development of the Sign and House of the North Node, you are more likely to be working in flow with What Is, collaborating with Life and this lifetime’s lessons, and stepping into your authentic power.

The South Node reflects the past experiences that are really conditioning our perceptions and experiences of this Now moment. It is a point of letting go.

So, when you intentionally focus your energy on disrupting patterns, habits, ways of doing and thinking, stepping out of your comfort zones, and metabolizing pain associated with the South Node, you are more likely to be moving with the Flow of What Is, collaborating with Life and this lifetime’s lessons, and stepping into your authentic power.

That’s the guidance around the South and North node. The South Node is a point of letting go. The North node is a point to intentionally lean into.

But why am I talking about this nodal axis, outside of Eclipse season? And when the nodal axis has actually moved now into the Gemini-Sagittarius axis?

It’s because this New Moon in Libra is part of a T-square that is really emphasizing and pulling our attention even more to Capricorn, the area of the chart where we have Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto. This is where we had South Node Eclipses in 2019 and 2020, reflecting that this place of our chart, is where we are letting go, breaking deep habits, dismantling old systems and structures. This is necessary, unavoidable work and the astrology is really emphasizing it.

And, also, the energetic pitfall of the South Node is to become re-identified to it. The thing to watch out for, as we meet and engage with what was excavated during the South Node Eclipses, is our Ego getting swamped in this location because it has so much emotional charge, urgency, painful memory and momentum in real time. It is so important that we naturally are compelled to focus all of our energy directly there, or through that lens.

The North Node helps us rebalance and reconnect with our authority, soul growth, and the wholeness. The North Node guides our attention to the tendrils of soft growth that can crack the concrete of South Node habits with the force of Nature, with the force of the organic process of our consciousness rising. The Sign and House of the North Node reminds us of how and where in our lives we can align with that.

Integrating the lessons of North Node Eclipses in Cancer is about Returning Home. Returning home to ourselves, to our bodies, to the Earth. It reminds us that the purpose of all the deconstruction that is happening in the Capricorn areas of our charts, is to make space for a life and a world in which each of us can return home to our body as a safe place to exist. As the only place from which we can truly belong to ourselves and to the world.

Cancer is a water sign, so I’m not talking about the body itself, but our actual relationship and belongingness that we have to our bodies. The remembering of Who We Truly Are that can only happen within our body. The connections with one another that can only be made from the body we have. The channeling of consciousness into the world, which can only happen through the vessel of each of our bodies.

For us to align with and sustain our collaboration with the process of change that is already happening, we have to witness (not fix, judge, or control, but see) when, where and how we are, abandoning ourselves. Abandoning our Presence in the body, by jumping into the mind. Abandoning our Presence to our own thoughts and emotions, by jumping into reaction. Abandoning our Presence to what is arising in this Now moment, by jumping into the future.

But ... our Ego and conditioning can follow us to this witnessing. It can overlay, again, an expectation of how we should be returning to Presence. How that should look. How our process is not working.

This is just a reminder to see that for what it is, too.

There are many significant reasons we abandon the home of our bodies, which are not our fault. This all is just a reminder that as we effort to unlearn and dismantle oppressive systems and structures (integrating the Capricorn South Node Eclipses), to intentionally align these efforts with the soul intention of Returning Home (integrating the North Node Eclipses).

In other words, this work is not a left-brained, linear, predictable process that can be outcome-oriented. It is woven into your own deep healing and is inherently process-oriented.

If the future vision is to have a world that is safe and supportive of us finding a true home in the body we have, then may we together dismantle the obstructions in the world around us, in a way that draws that future vision into our present moment, gently, tenderly, patiently ... by learning all of what it means to truly belong to ourselves.

For this month, I invited you to hold in your heart the inquiry:

What does belonging to my Self authentically look like, right now, in this exact, small step, as I effort towards my goal?

What does belonging to my body look like, as I effort towards my goal?

What does belonging to the Earth look like, as I effort towards my goal?

And if the worry comes up that "belonging to ourselves" will feed toxic individualism ... remember this last question.

What does belonging to the present moment look like, as I effort towards my goal?

When we understand that belonging to the Self is inseparable from the deep and radical vulnerability of belonging to the Now, we are naturally protected from the individualism that might otherwise arise from trying to "belong to ourselves" from the same level of awareness and story that created a world in which it is unsafe to do so in the first place.


New Moon in Scorpio


Full Moon in Aries